Wednesday, 07 November 2012
9:00 AM-4:00 PM
1. Workshop II: Computation Economics and New Economic Geography Settings Wednesday Nov 7 | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM | Alberta
Organizer: Mauricio Ramirez Grajeda, Universidad de Guadalajara
2. Workshop VII: Introduction to Spatial Agent-based Modeling Wednesday Nov 7 | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Yuri Mansury, Cornell University ; Laszlo Gulyas
3. Workshop III: An Introduction to Spatial Statistical Methods in Regional Science Wednesday Nov 7 | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM | Manitoba
Organizers: Daniel A Griffith, University of Texas - Dallas ; Yongwan Chun, University of Texas - Dallas
7:00 PM-7:30 PM
4. Welcome and RSAI Fellows Wednesday Nov 7 | 7:00 PM-7:30 PM | Confederation I
Chairs: Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte; Neil Reid, Univ. Of Toledo
7:30 PM-8:30 PM
5. Panel RSAI Fellows Plenary Wednesday Nov 7 | 7:30 PM-8:30 PM | Confederation I
Organizer: David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: David Boyce, Northwestern University
- ’People-Based’ Perspectives on Population Density:
With Applications to Recent U.S. Metropolitan Population Distribution and Change, ’Return to the City’ Residential Development, and Coastal Population Vulnerability
David A. Plane, University of Arizona
8:30 PM-9:00 PM
6. RSAI General Assembly Wednesday Nov 7 | 8:30 PM-9:00 PM | Confederation I
9:00 PM-10:00 PM
7. NARSC Ice-Breaker Reception Wednesday Nov 7 | 9:00 PM-10:00 PM | Governor General I/II
Thursday, 08 November 2012
8:00 AM-10:00 AM
8. Energy Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Alberta
Chair: Tim Komarek, Valdosta State University
- Labor Market Restructuring in Shale Gas Booms Amanda L. Weinstein, The Ohio State University; Mark D. Partridge, Ohio State University
- The "Other’’ Benefits of Renewable Energy Promotion Randall Wigle, Balsillie School of International Affairs; Nicholas J. Rivers, University of Ottawa
- Energy Consumption Disparity in China 1987-2007: An Interregional Decomposition Analysis Michael L. Lahr, Rutgers University; Haiyan Zhang, Rutgers University
- Analysis of the Geographic Distribution of Biomass Energy Industries Using Recent Developments in Industry Concentration Measurement Dayton M. Lambert, Univ. of Tennessee; Burton C. English, University of Tennessee; Robert J. Menard, University of Tennessee
Randall Wigle, Balsillie School of International Affairs
Maria Teresa Alvarez-Martinez, Rutgers University
Dayton M Lambert, Univ. of Tennessee
Amanda L Weinstein, The Ohio State University
9. Transportation and Land Use Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | British Columbia
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Kakuya Matsushima, Kyoto University
- Land use diversity and regional sustainability: Insights from the first nation-wide large-scale GPS-based household travel survey SWETA BYAHUT, AUBURN UNIVERSITY
- Endogenous formation of urban structure by residential sorting mechanism Kakuya Matsushima, Kyoto University; Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kyoto University
- Evaluation of the impacts of urban road pricing on social and spatial inequalities Stephanie Souche, University of Lyon; Aurelie Mercier, University of Lyon; Nicolas Ovtracht, CNRS
Kakuya Matsushima, Kyoto University
Aurelie Mercier, University of Lyon
10. UEA: Agglomeration 1 Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Tomoya Mori, Institute of Economic Research Kyoto University
- The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall Gabriel Ahlfeldt, London School of Economics; Stephen Redding, Princeton University; Daniel Sturm, London School of Economics; Nikolaus Wolf, Humboldt University
- Are NEG Models Capable of Simulating Agglomeration in the Real World? Takatoshi Tabuchi, University of Tokyo
- Transportation Technologies Agglomeration and the Structure of Cities Jeffrey Brinkman, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- A spatial approach to identifying agglomeration determinants Tomoya Mori, Institute of Economic Research Kyoto University; Tony E. Smith, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering University of Pennsylvania
Takatoshi Tabuchi, University of Tokyo
Jeffrey Brinkman, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Tomoya Mori, Institute of Economic Research Kyoto University
Stephen Redding, Princeton University
11. UEA: Policy Impacts Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Leo Feler, Johns Hopkins University SAIS
- The effects of state fair housing laws on metropolitan segregation Jeffrey Zax, University of Colorado Boulder; Veronika Furst, Fort Lewis College
- Incidence and Search: Evidence from Housing Vouchers Peter Ganong, Harvard University; Robert Collinson, Department of Housing and Urban Development
- The Influence of State Policy and Proximity to Medical Services on Health Outcomes Jing Li, Syracuse University
- Bank Ownership Lending and Local Economic Performance During the 2008-2010 Financial Crisis Leo Feler, Johns Hopkins University SAIS; Nicholas Coleman, Brown University
Peter Ganong, Harvard University
Jing Li, Syracuse University
Leo Feler, Johns Hopkins University SAIS
Jeffrey Zax, University of Colorado Boulder
12. UEA: Behavior of Housing Markets Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: William Strange, Rotman School of Management - U of Toronto
- Interest Rates and Fundamental Fluctuations in Home Values Albert Saiz, University of Pennsylvania
- Endogenous Sources of Cycling in Housing Markets: The Joint Buyer-Seller Problem Elliot Anenberg, Federal Reserve Board; Pat Bayer, Duke
- Price and Time to Sale Dynamics in the Housing Market: the Role of Incomplete Information Gabriel Ehrlich, University of Michigan
- What is the Role of the Asking Price for a House? Lu Han, Rotman School of Management - U of Toronto; William Strange, Rotman School of Management - U of Toronto
Elliot Anenberg, Federal Reserve Board
Gabriel Ehrlich, University of Michigan
William Strange, Rotman School of Management - U of Toronto
Albert Saiz, University of Pennsylvania
13. Trade and Border Issues Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Les Saisons
Chair: Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
- Economic Implications of the Canada-US Border Bridges: Applying a Transportation-Combined Multiregional Input-Output Model for Canada and the U.S. Jiyoung Park, SUNY - Buffalo; Changhyun Kwon, SUNY - Buffalo
- The Cost of Moving Merchandise Trade by Truck across the Canada-U.S. Border in the Pre- and Post-9/11 Security Eras Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
- Border effects, language barriers and trade in the EU Stephan Brunow, Institute for Employment Research; Ana M. Condeço Melhorado,
- The "dam break wave effect" on trade: Does the cross-border trade shows larger spatial concentration patterns? Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Nuria Gallego Lopez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Stephan Brunow, Institute for Employment Research
Jiyoung Park, SUNY - Buffalo
Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
14. Human Capital I: Returns Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Manitoba
Organizer: Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
Chair: Thomas A Knapp, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Campus
- Regional skill ecosystems to assist young people making education employment linkages in transition from school to work Paul Dalziel, Lincoln University
- The role of human capital, market access and amenities to understand the spatial wage disparity of Chile Dusan JC Paredes, Universidad Catolica del Norte
- A Research on the Difference, Equilibrium and Evolution of the Wage in Inter-province: an Analysis Based on the Equilibrium Theory Junbo Xue, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Wang Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- The Economic Returns to Migration: Examining the Role of Social Networks Thomas A Knapp, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Campus; Nancy E. White, Bucknell University; Amy Wolaver, Bucknell University
Michael Fritsch, University of Jena
Sandy Dall Erba, University of Arizona
Paul Dalziel, Lincoln University
Dusan JC Paredes, Universidad Catolica del Norte
15. NARSC Council Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Maple
16. Crime and Corruption Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | New Brunswick
Chair: Elena Costas-Perez, University of Barcelona
- Urban Sprawl and Crime: an empirical analysis on Bogota, Colombia Juan Tomas Sayago-Gomez, West Virginia University; Gianfranco Piras, West Virginia University
- How Unemployment, Inequality, Wages, and Migration Determine Violent Crime in Brazil Between 1980-2000. Tiago Freire, XJTLU
- Tiebout, crime and feeling insecure: effects on the Flemish municipalities’ local income tax base. CARINE SMOLDERS, GHENT UNIVERSITY/GHENT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE; junior burssens, University College Ghent; stijn goeminne, University College Ghent
- A comparison of day and night crime patterns in Recife, Brazil
Tatiane Ameida de Menezes, Federal University of Pernambuco Brazil; Antonio Paez, McMaster University; Circe Monteiro, Federal University of Pernambuco; Raul Silveira-Neto, Federal University of Pernambuco; Jose Luiz Ratton, Federal University of Pernambuco
Tatiane Ameida de Menezes, Federal University of Pernambuco Brazil
Juan Tomas Sayago-Gomez, West Virginia University
Tiago Freire, XJTLU
17. Education Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Newfoundland
Chair: Lindsay Nicole Amiel, UW Madison
- Economic Impact of the Expansion of Federal Universities in Brazil Henrique E F Vinhais, University of Sao Paulo; Joaquim J.M. Guilhoto, University of Sao Paulo
- Spatial Municipal Analysis of Education Inequality in Brazil, 2000-2010 Monica Amaral Haddad, Iowa State University; Leticia J. Marteleto, University of Texas - Austin; Ana Maria B. Barufi, FEA-USP
- Urban wage premium increasing with education level: Identification of agglomeration effects for Norway Hildegunn Stokke, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Fredrik carlsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Jorn Rattsø, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Regional Engagement or Knowledge Commercialization?
A Comparison of University Faculty Norms in the U.S. and Europe
Gunter Maier, Institut für Regional- und Umweltwirtschaft; Harvey Goldstein,; Edward Bergman,
- Spatial Interaction and School District Efficiency Lindsay Nicole Amiel, UW Madison
Lindsay Nicole Amiel, UW Madison
Henrique E F Vinhais, University of Sao Paulo
Gunter Maier, Institut für Regional- und Umweltwirtschaft
Monica Amaral Haddad, Iowa State University
Fredrik carlsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
18. Central Places Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Michiel Gerritse, VU University Amsterdam
- Reform of Classification of Central Places in Bavaria Florian W. Bartholomae, Bundeswehr University Munich; Chang Woon Nam, ifo Institute; Alina M. Schoenberg, Bundeswehr University Munich
- Policentric structure and the coagglomeration of economic activities in Bogota: A nonparametric perspective. Hernan Enriquez, Universidad Sergio Arboleda; Antonio Avendano, Universidad Sergio Arboleda
- Hierarchical central-place system and well-being optimization for sustainable economic growth Daisuke Nakamura, ICSEAD
- Managerial arrangements as determinants of the spatial dispersion of economic activities
Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul
- Policy Competition and/or the Housing Market Michiel Gerritse, VU University Amsterdam
Michiel Gerritse, VU University Amsterdam
Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul
Florian W. Bartholomae, Bundeswehr University Munich
Hernan Enriquez, Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Daisuke Nakamura, ICSEAD
19. UEA: Topics in Urban Economics Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Provinces I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Brian Adams, University of Minnesota
- Regulation, Rents and ’Iconic Design’: estimates of the value of trophy architects in the tightly constrained London office market Paul Cheshire, London School of Economics; Gerard Dericks, London School of Economics
- Time Is Money: An Empirical Examination of the Dynamic Effects of Regulatory Uncertainty on Residential Subdivision Development Douglas Wrenn, Ohio State University; Elena Irwin, Ohio State University
- The Determinants of Residential Vacancy Rates: Paul Cheshire, London School of Economics; Christian Hilber, London School of Economics; Hans Koster, Free University Amsterdam/SERC
- Migration and Agglomeration Among Motor Vehicle Parts Suppliers Brian Adams, University of Minnesota
Paul Cheshire, London School of Economics
Brian Adams, University of Minnesota
Christian Hilber, London School of Economics
20. Infrastructure I: Selected Issues Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Provinces II
Chair: Marco Percoco
- Surface Transportation and Regional Output: A Spatial Panel Approach Zhenhua Chen, George Mason University; Kingsley E. Haynes, George Mason University
- Regulated input price, vertical separation, and leadership in free entry markets Noriaki Matsushima, Osaka University; Toshihiro Matsumura, University of Tokyo
- Residential Segregation, Governance Fragmentation, and Disparity in Public Service Providing: The Case of Shanghai Huiping Li, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics (SHUFE); Qingfang Wang, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Wei Shi, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Zhongwei Deng,
- Highways, local economic structure and urban development: quasi-experimental evidence from Italian cities Marco Percoco,
- Regional competitiveness and road accessibility: a historical analysis for Europe 1955-2012 Dirk Stelder, University of Groningen
Marco Percoco
Huiping Li, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics (SHUFE)
Noriaki Matsushima, Osaka University
Dirk Stelder, University of Groningen
Zhenhua Chen, George Mason University
21. Knowledge, Innovation and Territory Thursday Nov 8 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Quebec
Organizer: Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
Chair: Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
- Proximity, Networking and Knowledge Production in Europe
Raffaele Paci, University of Cagliari; Emanuela Marrocu, University of Cagliari; Stefano Usai , CRENoS
- Territorial patterns of innovation and economic growth:
Innovation and efficiency in European regions Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano; Camilla Lenzi, Politecnico di Milano
- R&D, Socio-Economic Conditions and the territorial dynamics of Innovation in the United States. Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics; Andres Rodriguez-Pose, London School of Economics
- An ’extended’ Knowledge Production Function approach to the genesis of innovation in the European regions Sylvie Charlot, INRA; Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics; Antonio Musolesi, INRA, GAEL
Sylvie Charlot, INRA
Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics
Raffaele Paci, University of Cagliari
Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
10:00 AM-10:30 AM
22. Coffee Break - Thursday morning Thursday Nov 8 | 10:00 AM-10:30 AM | Provinces Foyer
10:30 AM-12:30 PM
23. NARSC Presidential Plenary Thursday Nov 8 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Confederation II/III
Organizer: William Anderson, University of Windsor
Chair: William Anderson, University of Windsor
- Regional Development in the Cross-Border Economy **No Authors Listed**
- Regional Development in the Cross-Border Economy
William Anderson, University of Windsor
Don Alper, University of Western Washington
Kathryn Friedman, University of Buffalo Regional Institute
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
24. RSAI LRPC Thursday Nov 8 | 12:00 PM-1:30 PM | Spruce
1:30 PM-3:30 PM
25. Trade, Innovation and Development Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Alberta
Organizer: Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
Chair: Andrea R Lamorgese, Bank of Italy
- City structure and policy competition: the role of government objectives Michiel Gerritse, VU University Amsterdam
- Exports and innovation. Do regions really matter? Enrique Lopez-Bazo, University of Barcelona; Elisabet Motellón, Open University of Catalonia
- Innovation and trade. Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms Antonio Accetturo, Bank of Italy ; Andrea R. Lamorgese, Bank of Italy; Matteo Buggamelli, Bank of Italy; Andrea Linarello, Bank of Italy
Andrea R Lamorgese, Bank of Italy
Michiel Gerritse, VU University Amsterdam
Enrique Lopez-Bazo, University of Barcelona
26. Regional Development I: Location and Agglomeration Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University; Alessandra Faggian, Ohio State University
Chair: Elizabeth A Dobis, Purdue University
- When Spatial Equilibrium Fails: Is Place-Based Policy Second Best?
Mark D. Partridge, Ohio State University ; Dan S. Rickman, Oklahoma State University; M. Rose Olfert, University of Saskatchewan; Ying Tan, Oklahoma State University
- Analyzing Changes in the Advice and Support Network of an Industrial Cluster Using Social Network Analysis
Neil Reid, Univ. Of Toledo; Bruce W. Smith, Bowling Green State University; Paula S. Ross, University of Toledo
- Agglomeration in the European automobile supplier industry Thomas H. Klier, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Dan McMillen,
- Urban Hierarchy, Population, and Markets:
A Smooth Transition Grid Cell Approach for the U.S. Elizabeth A. Dobis, Purdue University; John Cromartie, USDA Economic Research Service; Raymond Florax, Purdue University
Neil Reid, Univ. Of Toledo
Thomas H. Klier, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Elizabeth A Dobis, Purdue University
Dan S Rickman, Oklahoma State University
27. UEA: Knowledge Spillovers Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Max Nathan, London School of Economics and Spatial Economics Research Centre
- Localization and Co-Localization within an Urban Area Stephen Billings, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Erik Johnson, Quinnipiac University
- Localized knowledge spillovers and patent citations: A distance-based approach Yasusada Murata, Nihon University; Ryo Nakajima, Yokohama National University; Ryosuke Okamoto, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies; Ryuichi Tamura, Yokohama National University
- My precious! The location and diffusion of scientic research: evidence from the Synchrotron Diamond Light Source Christian Helmers, UC3M; Henry Overman, London School of Economics
- Do inventors talk to strangers? How spatial social institutional and ethnic proximity shapes collaborative knowledge creation Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics and Spatial Economics Research Centre; Max Nathan, London School of Economics and Spatial Economics Research Centre; Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics and Spatial Economics Research Centre
Yasusada Murata, Nihon University
Henry Overman, London School of Economics
Max Nathan, London School of Economics and Spatial Economics Research Centre
Stephen Billings, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
28. UEA: Congestion Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto
- Dynamic Congestion Pricing and the Split-Second Consumer Decision to Enter a Toll Lane Chunying Xie, University of Minnesota
- Bottleneck congestion in a monocentric city Sergejs Gubins, VU University Amsterdam; Erik T. Verhoef, VU University Amsterdam
- Daily Commuting Without Queueing Marcus Berliant, Washington University in St. Louis
- Speed Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Victor Couture, University of Toronto; Gilles Duranton, University of Toronto
Sergejs Gubins, VU University Amsterdam
Marcus Berliant, Washington University in St. Louis
Matthew Turner, University of Toronto
Chunying Xie, University of Minnesota
29. UEA: Urban Land Use Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
- Simultaneous Optimization of Building Size Lot Size and Zonal Boundaries Tatsuhito Kono, Tohoku University; Joshi Kirti Kusum,
- Razing San Francisco: The 1906 Disaster as a Natural Experiment in Understanding Urban Land Use James Siodla, University of California Irvine
- Tests of the urban economic model using a new measure of leapfrog development Wendong Zhang, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY; Douglas Wrenn, Ohio State University; Elena G. Irwin, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY
- Welfare Gains from Relaxation of Land-Use Restrictions: The Case of India’s Building-Height Limits Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Kala Sridhar, Public Affairs Center India
James Siodla, University of California Irvine
Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine
Tatsuhito Kono, Tohoku University
30. Spatial Statistics: Applications I Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Les Saisons
Chair: Rajesh Paleti, University of Texas - Austin
- Rethinking Priority Development Zones: A Spatial Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty in Mexico Myrna L. Sastre Gutierrez, Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila
- Spatial correlation and clustering in estimating the effects of cohesion policy using NUTS3 Lionel VEDRINE,
- Regional and Interregional Economic Impacts of Severance Taxes Dennis P. Robinson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- A Spatial Multivariate Count Model of Firm Location Decisions Rajesh Paleti, University of Texas - Austin ; Chandra R. Bhat, The University of Texas at Austin; Palvinder Singh, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Paolo Postiglione, University of Chieti-Pescara
Carlos Frederico Uchoa, Federal University of Pernambuco
Chandra R Bhat, The University of Texas at Austin
Whitney T Farhat, Howard University
31. Human Capital II: Productivity and Innovation Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Manitoba
Organizer: Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
Chair: Sandy Dall Erba, University of Arizona
- Balanced Skills and the City:
An Analysis of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Skill Balance, Thickness, and Innovation
Michael Fritsch, University of Jena; Elisabeth Bublitz, Friedrich Schiller University; Michael Wyrwich, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Knowledge assets and regional performance Emanuela Marrocu, University of Cagliari ; Raffaele Paci, University of Cagliari
- The impact of private, public and human capital on the US counties and states economies: theory, extensions and evidence Sandy Dall Erba, University of Arizona; Irving Llamosas-Rosas, University of Arizona
- The Chicken-Egg of Knowledge Workers and Advanced Technology Industries Mark D. Partridge, Ohio State University ; Belal Fallah, Palestine Polytechnic University; Michael Betz, Ohio State University
- Please, stand on the right; are Dutch recent graduates getting off the escalator faster? Viktor A. Venhorst, University of Groningen; Jouke van Dijk, University of Groningen
Dusan JC Paredes, Universidad Catolica del Norte
Junbo Xue, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Viktor A. Venhorst, University of Groningen
Thomas A Knapp, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Campus
32. Commuter Behavior Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | New Brunswick
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Pavlos Kanaroglou, McMaster University
- Can Active Commuting Help Stem the Obesity Epidemic? An Endogenous Treatment Model of Observed Commuter Choice Tim Wojan, USDA Economic Research Service ; Karen S. Hamrick, USDA Economic Research Service
- Analyzing Commuter Train User Behavior: A Decision Framework For Access Mode And Station Choice Vincent Chakour, McGill University; Naveen Eluru, McGill University
- Regulating Informal Transit: A Case Study of the Evening Commute in Nairobi, Kenya Celeste Chavis, University of California at Berkeley
- Concepts and Indices on Excess Commuting: A Critical Evaluation
Pavlos Kanaroglou, McMaster University; Tufayel Chowdhury, McMaster University
- Social Satisfaction, Commuting, and Neighborhoods Elizabeth C. Delmelle, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Eva Haslauer, University of Salzburg; Thomas Prinz, Research Studio iSpace
Pavlos Kanaroglou, McMaster University
Celeste Chavis, University of California at Berkeley
Tim Wojan, USDA Economic Research Service
Elizabeth C Delmelle, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Vincent Chakour, McGill University
33. Regional/Rural Development I: Policy Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Newfoundland
Organizers: Stephan Weiler; Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University
Chair: Harvey Cutler, Colorado State University
- Employment Lock in Rural Areas David Mushinski, Colorado State University
- Default Options and Local Prohibition: Measuring the Impact on Alcohol Accessibility Mark Burkey, North Carolina A&T State University
- Do Welfare Recipients Respond the Same to TANF and Low-Income Policies Across Urban and Rural Regions? Donald Hirasuna, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Choosing the Best Way to Raise State Tax Revenue: A CGE Analysis Harvey Cutler, Colorado State University ; Stephen Davies, Colorado State University; Martin Shields, Colorado State University
Mark Burkey, North Carolina A&T State University
Harvey Cutler, Colorado State University
David Mushinski, Colorado State University
Donald Hirasuna, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
34. Air Quality and Transport Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Nova Scotia
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Timothy Sider, McGill University
- Econometric Estimation and Qualitative Analysis of a Dynamic Commodity-Flow Model for Studying Impacts of Globalization and Infrastructure System Changes on Regional Air Quality
Jialie Chen, Cornell University ; Kieran Donaghy, Cornell University
- Evaluating the Effects of Traffic Operation and Technology on Transit Bus Emissions Ahsan Alam, McGill University; Marianne Hatzopoulou, McGill University
- Carbon footprint of induced traffic from Highway 25 Extension Project Shohel Reza Amin, Concordia University; Luis E Amador-Jiménez, Concordia University
- Economic Assessment of Electric Vehicle Society in Toyohashi City, Japan- ACGE Modelling Approach-
Yuzuru MIYATA, Toyohashi University of Technology; Hiroyuki SHIBUSAWA, Toyohashi University of Technology; Shamsunnahar Khanam, Toyohashi University of Technology
Yuzuru MIYATA, Toyohashi University of Technology
Shohel Reza Amin, Concordia University
Jialie Chen, Cornell University
Ahsan Alam, McGill University
35. UEA: Theory Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Provinces I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Maximilian von Ehrlich, ETH Zurich
- Spatial versus Social Mismatch Yves Zenou, Stockholm University
- Spatial Segregation and Urban Structure Pierre Picard, U. Luxembourg; Pascal Mossay, U. Reading
- Real Estate Brokers and the Dynamics of Segregation Amine Ouazad, INSEAD and London School of Economics
- Agglomeration and credit constraints Maximilian von Ehrlich, ETH Zurich; Tobias Seidel, ETH Zurich
Pierre Picard, U. Luxembourg
Amine Ouazad, INSEAD and London School of Economics
Maximilian von Ehrlich, ETH Zurich
Yves Zenou, Stockholm University
36. Infrastructure III: Technology
Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Provinces II
Chair: Peter L Stenberg, Economic Research Service
- Pan-European digital networks: a spatial perspective Emmanouil Tranos, VU University; Peter Nijkamp, VU University
- Broadband Provision and New Firm Formation Jitendra Parajuli, George Mason University; Kingsley E. Haynes, George Mason University
- Broadband Internet and Firm Entry: Evidence from Rural Iowa Younjun Kim, Iowa State University; Peter F. Orazem, Iowa State University
- Broadband Technology Adoption in Rural Households Peter L. Stenberg, Economic Research Service
- Evaluating the Evidence of Transport Investment and Economic Growth: Re-distributive and Generative Effects David A. King, Columbia University; Lauren Fischer, Columbia University
David A King, Columbia University
Peter L Stenberg, Economic Research Service
Emmanouil Tranos, VU University
Jitendra Parajuli, George Mason University
37. GeoComputation 1: Spatial Analysis and GIS Thursday Nov 8 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Quebec
Organizers: Suzana Dragicevic, Simon Fraser University; Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chair: Michael Carroll, Bowling Green State University
- Comparative Space-Time Analysis of Warn Notices Michael Carroll, Bowling Green State University ; Xinyue Ye, Bowling Green State University
- A heuristic approach for delineating functional regions Kamyoung Kim, Kyungpook National University; Yongwan Chun, University of Texas - Dallas; Hyun Kim, University of Tennessee
- Integration of soft computing with GIS for modeling land-use suitability Richard Minardi, Simon Fraser University ; Suzana Dragicevic, Simon Fraser University; Jozo Dujmovic, San Francisco State University
- A Semi-Automated Software Framework for Delineating Oil And Well Pad Footprints In Alberta, Canada Verda Kocabas, Blackbridge Geomatics
Stephanie Kleinschmidt, Arizona State University
3:00 PM-3:30 PM
38. Coffee Break - Thursday afternoon Thursday Nov 8 | 3:00 PM-3:30 PM | Provinces Foyer
4:00 PM-5:30 PM
39. Papers in Regional Science Editorial Team Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-5:30 PM | Spruce
4:00 PM-6:00 PM
40. Trade, Labor and Resources Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Alberta
Organizer: Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
Chair: Yasuhiro Takarada, Nanzan University
- The Rise of the East and the Far East: German Labor Markets and Trade Integration Jens Suedekum, University of Duisburg-Essen; Wolfgang Dauth, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Sebastian Findeisen, University of Zurich
- Recycling Subsidies and Import Tariffs in Vertically Related Markets Hajime Sugeta, Kansai University; Takayoshi Shinkuma, Kansai University
- Geographical interregional trade frictions:
An approach based on municipal data Jorge Diaz Lanchas, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; José L. Zofío, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Kathrine E. Richardson, San Jose State University
Stephan Brunow, Institute for Employment Research
Jorge Diaz Lanchas, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
41. Trade, transport & industry interactions Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Jeffrey Peter, Statistics Canada
- The effects of transport subsidies on firm performance:
A regional analysis using micro data
Kent Eliasson, ; Niklas Hanes, Umeå University; Johan Lundberg, UmeÃ¥ university, Sweden
- Revisiting the border effect in Europe and Spain:
New results using region-to-region intra-national and inter-national flows.
Nuria Gallego Lopez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
- Estimation of a road freight demand model for Mexico AMADO CROTTE, Mexico Ministry of Communications and Transport; Omar Del Valle Colosio, Mexico Ministry of Communications and Transport
- Trends in the Canadian airline industry: A statistical review Jeffrey Peter, Statistics Canada ; Lawrence McKeown, Statistics Canada
AMADO CROTTE, Mexico Ministry of Communications and Transport
Kent Eliasson
Jeffrey Peter, Statistics Canada
Nuria Gallego Lopez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
42. UEA: Long Run Growth Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Shawn Kantor, University of Califoria - Merced & NBER
- Entrepreneurship and Urban Growth: An Empirical Assessment with Historical Mines Ed Glaeser, Harvard University; Sari Kerr, Wellesley College; William Kerr, Harvard Business School
- Market potential and city growth: Spain 1860-1960 Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Universitat de Barcelona; Rafael González-Val, Universitat de Barcelona; Daniel Tirado-Fabregat, Universitat de Valenica
- Spatial Takeoff in the First Industrial Revolution Alex Trew, University of St Andrews
- Private Gains from Public University Research: The Case of Productivity Spillovers from Agricultural Experiment Stations Shawn Kantor, University of Califoria - Merced & NBER; Alexander Whalley, University of Califoria - Merced & NBER
Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Universitat de Barcelona
Alex Trew, University of St Andrews
Shawn Kantor, University of Califoria - Merced & NBER
William Kerr, Harvard Business School
43. UEA: Transportation Theory Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Ioannis Tikoudis, VU University Amsterdam
- A Bathtub Model of Downtown Traffic Congestion Richard Arnott, University of California Riverside
- Cost Recovery of Congested Infrastructure under Market Power Erik Verhoef, VU University
- On revenue recycling and the welfare effects of second best congestion pricing in a monocentric city Ioannis Tikoudis, VU University Amsterdam; Erik Verhoef, VU University; Jos Van Ommeren, VU University Amsterdam
Erik Verhoef, VU University
Ioannis Tikoudis, VU University Amsterdam
Richard Arnott, University of California Riverside
44. UEA: Education and Neighborhood Choice Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Henry Pollakowski, Harvard University
- Peer Effects in Education Sport and Screen Activities: Local Aggregate or Local Average? Eleonora Patacchini, Syracuse University; Xiaodong Liu, University of Colorado at Boulder; Yves Zenou, Stockholm University
- Charter School Entry and School Choice: The Case of Washington D.C. Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University; Grigory Kosenok, New Economic School
- Estimating Neighborhood Choice Models: Lessons from a Housing Assistance Experiment Sebastian Galiani, Washington University in St Louis; Alvin Murphy, Washington University in St Louis; Juan Pantano, Washington University in St Louis
- Estimating the Long-Term Economic Effects of Children’s Housing: Using Data Density and Regression Discontinuity Design for Identification John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland; Mark Kutzbach, US Census Bureau; Henry Pollakowski, Harvard University; Daniel Weinberg, US Census Bureau; Fredrik Andersson, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Alvin Murphy, Washington University in St Louis
Henry Pollakowski, Harvard University
Eleonora Patacchini, Syracuse University
45. Journal of Regional Science Special Session: New Looks at Urban Agglomeration Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Les Saisons
Chair: Mark D Partridge, Ohio State University
- Roads, Railroads and Decentralization of Chinese Cities Vernon Henderson, Brown University
- The task content of employment in US Cities 1880-2000 Stephen Redding, Princeton University; Guy Michaeles, LSE; Ferdinand Rauch, Oxford University
Marlon Boarnet, USC
Carlianne Patrick, Georgia State University
46. Productivity Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Manitoba
Organizer: Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
Chair: Xi Tian, Oklahoma State University
- Effects of Sub-Centres in Labour Productivity, Firm Formation and Urban Growth: Evidence from Barcelona Metropolitan Region Jaume Masip Tresserra, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
- The impact of structural and macroeconomic factors on regional productivity. Sabine D\’Costa, Queen Mary University of London; Enrique Garcilazo, OECD; Joaquim Oliveira Martins, OECD
- Corporate Tax Reform in China Xi Tian, Oklahoma State University; Abdul Munasib, Oklahoma State University
Xi Tian, Oklahoma State University
Jaume Masip Tresserra, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Sabine D’Costa, Queen Mary University of London
47. Disasters & Climate Change Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | New Brunswick
Chair: cecile Detang-Dessendre, INRA
- Climate Change and the Urban Environment Adaptation in Korea:
Risk Assessment and Development of the Indices. Minsu Son, SUNY-Buffalo; Jiyoung Park, SUNY - Buffalo; Brian H.S. Kim, Seoul National University; Chang Sug Park, Korea Environment Institute; Jungeun Kang, Korea Environment Institute
- The Rule of Social Capital for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Transportation KIYOMI KAWAMOTO, Hokkaido University of Education
- Is sprawling residential behavior influenced by climate? cecile Detang-Dessendre, INRA; Cyrus Grout, University of Washington; Jean cavailhes, INRA; Alban Thomas, INRA
- Climate Co-benefits of Tighter SO₂ and NOx Regulations in China Kyung-Min Nam, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Caleb J. Waugh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Sergey Paltsev, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John M. Reilly, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Valerie J. Karplus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Long-Term Hydrologic Impact of Urbanization using SWMM and L-THAI Mohammad Amin Hedayati, City of Sadra
Mohammad Amin Hedayati, City of Sadra
Minsu Son, SUNY-Buffalo
Kyung-Min Nam, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
KIYOMI KAWAMOTO, Hokkaido University of Education
cecile Detang-Dessendre, INRA
48. Regional/Rural Development II: Entrepreneurship and Labor Markets Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Newfoundland
Organizers: Stephan Weiler; Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University
Chair: Anil Rupasingha, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Entrepreneurship, Information, and Income Devin Bunten, University of California - Los Angeles ; Eric Thompson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Stephan Weiler,
- Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship Across the United States Tessa Conroy, Colorado State University
- Rural rebound: Determinants of metro to non-metro migration in the U.S. Anil Rupasingha, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Yongzheng Liu, Georgia State University; Mark D. Partridge, Ohio State University
Anil Rupasingha, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Devin Bunten, University of California - Los Angeles
Tessa Conroy, Colorado State University
49. Culture and Amenities Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Xiaodong Fu, RENMIN University of China
- A Case for Amenity-Driven Growth? Estimating Heterogeneous Household Demands for Lake Amenities and Industrial Disamenities in the Great Lakes Region Heather Stephens, California State University, Long Beach; H. Allen Klaiber, Ohio State University; Elena Irwin, Ohio State University
- Cultural environment and the economy of cities: Does culture affect local productivity and urban amenities of American cities? Brahim Boualam, University of Geneva
- Regional Air Quality and Happiness in Germany Frank Goetzke, University of Louisville
- Design a new mechanism for protection and exploitation of cultural heritage Xiaodong Fu, RENMIN University of China; Shanshan Li, Renmin University of China
Xiaodong Fu, RENMIN University of China
Frank Goetzke, University of Louisville
Heather Stephens, California State University, Long Beach
Brahim Boualam, University of Geneva
50. UEA: Agglomeration 2 Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Provinces I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Thomas Holmes, University of Minnesota
- Agent-Based Models of Agglomeration and City Formation Arthur O’Sullivan, Economics Lewis & Clark College
- Why Has Urban Inequality Increased? Nathaniel Baum-Snow, Brown University; Matthew Freedman, Cornell University; Ronni Pavan, University of Rochester
- Does Self-Employment Measure Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Great Britain Giulia Faggio, Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) London School of Economics.; Silva Olmo,
- The Joint Production of Goods and Ideas: When Industry Moved to the South did Innovation Follow? Thomas Holmes, University of Minnesota; Bitmaro Kim, University of Minnesota
Nathaniel Baum-Snow, Brown University
Silva Olmo
Thomas Holmes, University of Minnesota
Arthur O’Sullivan, Economics Lewis & Clark College
51. Infrastructure II: Technology
Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Provinces II
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: David Boyce, Northwestern University
- Spatial and Temporal Coordination of Maintenance and Rehabilitation Works in Transportation Asset Management Ahmadreza Faghih-Imani, Concordia University; Luis E Amador-Jiménez, Concordia University
- Network Resilience and Vulnerability: Some Methodological Considerations
Aura Reggiani, University of Bologna
- Auctions for private congestible infrastructures Vincent AC van den Berg,
- Advantaged bidders for private infrastructures Vincent AC van den Berg,
- Assigning User Class Link Flows Uniquely to Urban Road Networks David Boyce, Northwestern University; Jun Xie, Tongji University
David Boyce, Northwestern University
Vincent AC van den Berg
Ahmadreza Faghih-Imani, Concordia University
Aura Reggiani, University of Bologna
Ahmadreza Faghih-Imani, Concordia University
52. RRS Editorial Board Thursday Nov 8 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | TBA
5:30 PM-6:30 PM
53. Papers in Regional Science Editorial Board Thursday Nov 8 | 5:30 PM-6:30 PM | Spruce
6:15 PM-8:00 PM
54. Agriculture I Thursday Nov 8 | 6:15 PM-8:00 PM | TBA
Chair: Denise Imori, University of São Paulo
- The Impact of Climate Change on the South-West US Agriculture: the Ricardian Approach Revisited Sandy Dall Erba, University of Arizona; Francina Dominguez, University of Arizona
- Evaluation of Structural Problem of Japanese Agriculture under Climate Change: Utilizing the Dynamic CGE model Yuko Akune, Reitaku University ; Mitsuru okiyama,; Suminori Tokunaga, University of Tsukuba
- Does proprietor wealth influence small business decisions?
Land appreciation and farm business output, investment and borrowing
Jeremy Weber, USDA Economic Research Service ; Nigel Key, USDA Economic Research Service
Jeremy Weber, USDA Economic Research Service
Jeremy Weber, USDA Economic Research Service
Yuko Akune, Reitaku University
Friday, 09 November 2012
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
55. JRS Editorial Board Meeting Friday Nov 9 | 7:00 AM-8:00 AM | Cedar
Chair: Mark D Partridge, Ohio State University
8:00 AM-10:00 AM
56. Econometric Models I Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Alberta
Chair: Harry H Kelejian, University of Maryland - College Park
- Economic Contagion under Uncertainly: Using a CGE Model with the Monte Carlo Experiment Hiroshi Sakamoto, The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development (ICSEAD)
- Estimation of Spatial Models with Endogenous Weighting Matrices, and an Application to a Demand Model for Cigarettes Harry H. Kelejian, University of Maryland - College Park ; Gianfranco Piras, West Virginia University
- A policy-analysis tool for evaluating the distributional effects of regional traffic emissions and population exposure to air pollution Timothy Sider, McGill University; Ahsan Alam, McGill University; Muhammad Zukari, McGill University; Hussam Dugum, McGill University; Nathan Goldstein, McGill University; Naveen Eluru, McGill University; Marianne Hatzopoulou, McGill University
- A New Spatial Multiple Discrete-Continuous Modeling Approach to Land Use Change Analysis Chandra R. Bhat, The University of Texas at Austin
Timothy Sider, McGill University
Hiroshi Sakamoto, The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development (ICSEAD)
Harry H Kelejian, University of Maryland - College Park
Solmaria Halleck Vega, University of Groningen
57. CRSA AGM Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Birch
58. Regional Development II: Migration Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | British Columbia
Organizers: Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University; Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University
Chair: Steve Deller, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Rent/Value Ratios in Spatial Disequilibrium:
Booming versus Lagging Cities
Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University; Philip Graves,; Mark D. Partridge, Ohio State University
- College Student Migration in the United States, 2000-2009: Implications for Regional Human Capital Distribution Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University; Rachel S. Franklin, Brown University
- Recreational Housing and Rural Economic Development Steve Deller, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Health and regional development: evidence from demographic and health transition in Italy Marco Percoco,
John I. Carruthers, The George Washington University
Steve Deller, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Rachel S. Franklin, Brown University
Philip Graves, University of Colorado - Boulder
59. UEA: Cities and Development Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Laura Hering, Erasmus University
- Is Urbanizatiuon in Sub-Saharan Africa Different? Vernon Henderson, Brown University; Mark Roberts, World Bank and Cambridge University; Adam Storeygard, Tufts University
- Suburbanization and Highways: When the Romans the Bourbons and First Automobiles Still Shape Spanish Cities Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - Institut d’Economia de Barcelona; Adelheid Holl, CSIC Institute for Public Goods and Policies; Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Universitat de Barcelona
- The Effects of Fiscal Equalization on Housing Markets: Evidence from Brazil Daniel Da Mata, University of Cambridge
- Environmental policy and trade performance: Evidence from China Laura Hering, Erasmus University; Sandra Poncet, Université de Paris 1
Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - Institut d’Economia de Barcelona
Daniel Da Mata, University of Cambridge
Laura Hering, Erasmus University
Vernon Henderson, Brown University
60. UEA: Fuel Prices, Parking Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Martijn Kobus, VU University Amsterdam
- The Effect of Gasoline Taxes and Public Transit Investments on Driving Patterns Elisheba Spiller, Resources for the Future; Heather Stephens, Department of Economics California State University Long Beach; Christopher Timmins,; Allison Smith,
- Distorted parking supply Jos Van Ommeren, VU University Amsterdam; Jesper de Groote, VU; Giuliano Mingardo,
- Carpooling and Driver Responses to Fuel Price Changes: Evidence from Traffic in Los Angeles Antonio Bento, Cornell University; Jonathan Hughes, University of Colorado Boulder; Daniel Kaffine, Colorado School of Mines
- The oneet parking premium and car drivers’ choice between street and garage parking Martijn Kobus, VU University Amsterdam; Eva Gutiérrez-i-Puigarnau, VU University Amsterdam; Piet Rietveld, VU University Amsterdam; Jos Van Ommeren, VU University Amsterdam
Jos Van Ommeren, VU University Amsterdam
Jonathan Hughes, University of Colorado Boulder
Martijn Kobus, VU University Amsterdam
Elisheba Spiller, Resources for the Future
61. UEA: Effects of Foreclosures Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Yi Niu, University of Maryland College Park
- What Can We Learn From Hedonic Models Where Markets are Domianted by Foreclosures Jeffrey Zabel, Tufts University; Edward Coulson, Pennsylvania State University
- Housing Price Fluctuations and Home Sales Issi Romem, UC Berkeley Economics Dept.
- Labor Market and Regional Reallocation Effects of Housing Busts Plamen Nenov, BI Norwegian Business School
- Job Losses and Housing Foreclosures: Evidence from the State of Maryland Chengri Ding, University of Maryland College Park; Yi Niu, University of Maryland College Park
Issi Romem, UC Berkeley Economics Dept.
Plamen Nenov, BI Norwegian Business School
Yi Niu, University of Maryland College Park
Jeffrey Zabel, Tufts University
62. Urban Economic Theory & Analysis I Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Les Saisons
Chair: Stefan Leknes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Regional Capability and Regional Disparity Jun Koo, Korea University ; Hee chul Lee, Korea university
- What’s the Holdup? An Empirical Analysis of the Land Assembly Problem Michael Gedal, New York University
- European cities growth: local, geographical or networking spillovers? Catherine Baumont, Université de Bourgogne; Rachel Guillain, Université de Bourgogne
- Urbanity and education: Investigating amenity level differences across Norwegian regions Stefan Leknes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Fredrik carlsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
John R Miron, University of Toronto
Harris Selod, The World Bank
Xiaofei Li, Purdue University
Giorgio Fazio, Università degli Studi di Palermo
63. RSAmericas Board Meeting Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Manitoba
Organizer: Patricio Aroca, Universidad Catolica del Norte
64. Community and Social Development Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | New Brunswick
Chair: Luz Saavedra, University Of St Thomas
- A Study On Success Factor Of Conflict Management
In National Development Project
: Focused on Changes In The NGOs Roles Songhee Yoo, Korea University
- Regional Development and Women’s Rights in Québec Denyse Côté, University du Quebec en Outaouais; Camille Tremblay-Fournier, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Environmental Satisfaction in Chinese Cities Chunhua Wang,
- Cross-Country Spillovers in the Creation of Social Trust Luz Saavedra, University Of St Thomas; Robert J. Riley, , University of St. Thomas
Luz Saavedra, University Of St Thomas
Chunhua Wang
Songhee Yoo, Korea University
Denyse Côté, University du Quebec en Outaouais
65. Firm Structure, Trade and Development Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Newfoundland
Organizer: Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
Chair: Susanna Thede, Lund University
- Internationalization, competition and the efforts by companies in BRIC countries to enter markets in USA and Europe. Knut Ingar Westeren, Nord-Trøndelag University College
- Self-reinforcing trade liberalization in a changing economic landscape Susanna Thede, Lund University
- Employment trends of German multinationals investing in the Czech Republic Michael Moritz, Institute for Employment Research (IAB); Veronika Hecht, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Michael Moritz, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Knut Ingar Westeren, Nord-Trøndelag University College
Erik Dietzenbacher, University of Groningen
66. Housing I: Mortgage, Foreclosure, and Crisis Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Michael S Moore, University of Toledo
- The Impact of Housing Submarkets and Urban Form on the Foreclosure Crisis in U.S. Urban Counties Indro Ray, Indian Institute of Human Settlements; Subhrajit Guhathakurta, Georgia Institute of Technology
- The Relationship Between the Timing of the Housing and Labor Market Crises and Doubling-Up: An MSA-Level Analysis, 2005-2010
William Rogers, University Of Missouri Saint Louis; Anne E. Winkler, University of Missouri - St. Louis
- Denied: A 2006 and 2009 Comparison of Mortgage Lending in the Toledo Metropolitan Statistical Area. Michael S. Moore, University of Toledo
- Policy Failures, Moral Hazards and Greed in Housing and Financial Market: Lessons from Korea
Ji-Chung Yang, Seoul National University
Maria Plotnikova, Aberystwyth University
Nicolas E. Coulombel, Université Paris Est
Debarshi Indra, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Laura H Atuesta, Inter-American Development Bank
67. UEA: City Size Distribution Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Provinces I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Suzanne Kok, University of Groningen
- US City Size Distribution: Robustly Pareto but Only in the Tail Yannis Ioannides, Tufts University; Spyros Skouras, Athens University of Economics and Business
- The size distribution across all ’cities’ù: A unifying approach Kristian Giesen, University of Duisburg-Essen; Jens Suedekum, University of Duisburg-Essen
- On the number and size of cities/jurisdictions within a large metropolitan area Carl Gaigné, INRA Rennes; stéphane Riou, GATE L-SE University of Saint-Etienne; Jacques-François Thisse, CORE CREA HSE
- Town and city jobs: job contents skills and city size Suzanne Kok, University of Groningen
Kristian Giesen, University of Duisburg-Essen
Jacques-François Thisse, CORE CREA HSE
Suzanne Kok, University of Groningen
Yannis Ioannides, Tufts University
68. Location Modeling I Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Provinces II
Organizers: Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University; Timothy C Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
Chair: Timothy C Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
- Evaluating Greece’s new administrative units: A Case Example Using Location‐Allocation Modeling. Yorgos N. Photis, University of Thessaly; Argiro Papafragaki, national technical
- Geographic Approaches for Modeling Remoteness Timothy C. Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia ; Tony H. Grubesic, Drexel University
- Geographical flows decomposition: a comparative analysis Yongwan Chun, University of Texas - Dallas ; Daniel A. Griffith, University of Texas - Dallas
- Evaluating polygon overlay to support coverage modeling Ran Wei, Arizona State University; Alan T. Murray, Arizona State University
Hyun Kim, University of Tennessee
Rick Church, University Of California At Santa Barbara
Matthew R Niblett, University of California, Santa Barbara
Yorgos N. Photis, University of Thessaly
69. GeoComputation 2: Spatial Modeling Friday Nov 9 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Quebec
Organizers: Suzana Dragicevic, Simon Fraser University; Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chair: Xinyue Ye, Bowling Green State University
- Visualizing and Detecting Space-Time Chain Xinyue Ye, Bowling Green State University ; Michael Carroll, Bowling Green State University; Ling Wu, Zhongnan University of Economics & Law
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Simulation of Geostatistical Variogram Parameters of Unstructured Spatial Soil Test Phosphorus using Gibbs Sampler Alaba Boluwade, McGill University
- Modeling Land Use/ Land Cover Impacts of a Major Employer in Rural Areas Sudeshna Ghosh, University of Cincinnati
- Modeling spatial dependence: the importance of choosing a method in geo-computation Oleg A. Smirnov, The University of Toledo
- Mapping Brazilian Economic and Social Scenario Using GIS, Multivariate Statistics and Neural Networks Joao F. de Abreu, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais-Brazil
Oleg A Smirnov, The University of Toledo
10:00 AM-10:30 AM
70. Coffee Break - Friday morning Friday Nov 9 | 10:00 AM-10:30 AM | Provinces Foyer
10:30 AM-12:30 PM
71. Econometric Models II Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Alberta
Chair: Dennis P Robinson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- Is Spatially Bootstrapping a Panacea for Valid Inference? Torben Klarl, University of Augsburg
- Model Selection using J-test for the Spatial Autoregressive Model vs. the Matrix Exponential Spatial Model Xiaoyi Han, Ohio State Univerisity; Lung-fei Lee, Ohio State University
- On Spatial Econometric Models, Spillover Effects, and W Solmaria Halleck Vega, University of Groningen; Paul Elhorst, University of Groningen
- Discrete Spatial Model of Voting Behavior Oleg A. Smirnov, The University of Toledo
Oleg A Smirnov, The University of Toledo
Dennis P Robinson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Torben Klarl, University of Augsburg
Xiaoyi Han, Ohio State Univerisity
72. Regional Development III: Entrepreneurship Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University; Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University
Chair: Michael Fritsch, University of Jena
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of high technology entrepreneurship: A comparison of California and New England (1999-2006) Haifeng Qian, Cleveland State University; Xinyue Ye, Bowling Green State University
- Does Broadband Boost Entrepreneurship? An Econometric Evaluation of the Impact of Broadband Internet Connections on Entrepreneurial Activity Elizabeth A. Mack, Arizona State University
- Externalities or Entrepreneurial Human Capital:
Investigating the sources of localization in the study of start-up business survival
Henry C. Renski, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Regional Knowledge and Innovative Start-ups
-- An Empirical Investigation for Germany 1995-2008 -- Michael Fritsch, University of Jena; Ronney Aamoucke, Friedrich Schiller University
Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University
Henry C. Renski, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Michael Fritsch, University of Jena
Haifeng Qian, Cleveland State University
73. UEA: Taxes and the Location of Economic Activity Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Elizabeth Fisher, University of Georgia
- Do welfare benefits deter migration? Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Economia Pública Economia Política i Economia Espanyola
- Taxe Induced Migration of High Income Foreigners: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Switzerland. Kurt Schmidheiny, Universität Basel; Michaela Slotwinski, Universität Basel; Frank Somogyi, Deutsche Bundesbank
- Tax Avoidance and Business Location in a State Border Model Shawn Rohlin, The University of Akron; Stuart Rosenthal, Syracuse University; Amanda Ross, West Virginia University
- Residency Requirements and House Prices: A Natural Experiment from Ohio Carolyn Dehring, University of Georgia; Elizabeth Fisher, University of Georgia
Kurt Schmidheiny, University of Basel
Stuart Rosenthal, Syracuse University
Elizabeth Fisher, University of Georgia
Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Economia Pública Economia Política i Economia Espanyola
74. UEA: Effects of Transportation Infrastructure Investment Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Alex Anas, State University of New York at Buffalo
- Vestiges of Transit: Path Dependence and the Modern City Leah Brooks, Federal Reserve Board of Governors; Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
- Airports and the Production of Goods and Services Nicholas Sheard, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
- Airports and Urban Growth: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Policy Experiment Bruce A. Blonigen, University of Oregon and NBER; Anca D. Cristea, University of Oregon
- Transit oriented development (TOD) in a system of cities: Alex Anas, State University of New York at Buffalo
Nicholas Sheard, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Anca D. Cristea, University of Oregon
Alex Anas, State University of New York at Buffalo
Leah Brooks, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
75. UEA: Housing Finance Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Edward Kung, UCLA
- Can ’’High Costs’’ Rationalize Weak Demand for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage? Thomas Davidoff, UBC
- Financial Repression and Housing Investment: An Analysis of the Korean Chonsei Jinwon Kim, University of California Irvine
- Payment Changes and Default Risk: The Impact of Refinancing on Expected Credit Losses Joseph Tracy, Federal Reserve Bank of NY; Joshua Wright, Federal Reserve Bank of NY
- Alternative Mortgages in an Equilibrium Model of Housing and Mortgage Markets Edward Kung, UCLA
Jinwon Kim, University of California Irvine
Joseph Tracy, Federal Reserve Bank of NY
Edward Kung, UCLA
Thomas Davidoff, UBC
76. Urban Economic Theory & Analysis II Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Les Saisons
Chair: Bo Jiang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
- Voice, Exit, and the Development of Urban Hierarchy: Evidence from Early Modern Europe. Sidney Turner, George Mason University
- Delimiting the postmodern urban center: an analysis of urban amenity clusters in Los Angeles Samuel G. Krueger, University of Southern California
- Population Decline and Service Continuity: Spatial Patterns of Site Consolidation in a Linear Market Asao Ando, Tohoku University; Kazuki Suzuki, Tohoku University
- Opportunity Cost of Land and Urban Growth Bo Jiang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Hee chul Lee, Korea university
Michael Gedal, New York University
Catherine Baumont, Université de Bourgogne
Stefan Leknes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
77. Agriculture II Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Manitoba
Chair: Jeremy L Sage, Washington State University
- Counter-Hegemonic Possibilities: Recovering the Spaces of Food Consumption? Jeremy L. Sage, Washington State University
- Food-related energy use in the U.S.: A multiregional assessment Patrick Canning, USDA Economic Research Service ; Hamideh Etemadnia, PSU
- The Local Economic Impact of the Farm Boom on the Corn Belt in the Midwest: A spatial econometric perspective Comlanvi Martin KONOU, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Production efficiency of farm households and business farms in the Brazilian regions Denise Imori, University of São Paulo ; Joaquim J.M. Guilhoto, University of Sao Paulo; Fernando postali, University of São Paulo
Denise Imori, University of São Paulo
Jeremy L Sage, Washington State University
Patrick Canning, USDA Economic Research Service
Comlanvi Martin KONOU, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
78. Spatial Modeling Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | New Brunswick
Organizer: Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University
Chair: Peter L Stenberg, Economic Research Service
- Testing the New Economic Geography using Microdata John Francis, Louisiana Tech University; Yuqing Zheng, RTI International
- New Economic Geography and Reunified Germany at Twenty: A Fruitful Match? Frank Bickenbach, Kiel Institute for the World Economy ; Eckhardt Bode, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
- Are LUTI models efficient?
Development of an assessment methodology and application to the model PIRANDELLO
Nicolas E. Coulombel, Université Paris Est; Jean Delons, Cofiroute; Guillaume Curnier, Cofiroute
- Agglomeration and directional imbalance of transport costs: the role of density economies Kenmei TSUBOTA, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization; Kiyoyasu Tanaka, Institute of Developing Economies
Eckhardt Bode, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul
Nicolas E. Coulombel, Université Paris Est
Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University
79. Regional/Rural Development III: Energy and the Great Recession Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Newfoundland
Organizers: Stephan Weiler; Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University
Chair: Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University
- Growing Fuels and Jobs? The Effect of Ethanol Plants on Local Employment Tim Komarek, Valdosta State University ; Soren Anderson, Michigan State University
- The Reach of the ’Shale Gas Revolution’: Extraction, Employment, and Spillovers Jeremy Weber, USDA Economic Research Service
- Where in the rural was the economic downturn? Rural Canada in the OECD context Ray Bollman, Rural Development Institute
- Regional Science Reconsidered Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University ; Randy Jackson, West Virginia University; James Bukenya, Alabama A&M University
Jeremy Weber, USDA Economic Research Service
Tim Komarek, Valdosta State University
Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University
Ray Bollman, Rural Development Institute
80. Housing II: Pricing Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Luis A. Galvis, Banco de la Republica - Colombia
- A Simultaneous Spatial Model of Hedonic Housing Price and Neighborhood Composition in U.S. Metropolitan Areas Yan Bao, Ohio State University
- The Repeat Rent Index Edward Coulson, Penn State University; Brent Ambrose, Penn State; Jiro Yoshida, Penn State
- A Spatial Price Index for Urban Housing in Colombia: A Matching Approach Luis A. Galvis, Banco de la Republica - Colombia; Bladimir Carrillo, Banco de la Republica
- The Impact Of Rural Hospitals On Rural Housing Prices In Illinois: A Hedonic Approach Cristina Miller, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Estimating Housing Price Indices for 10 MSAs for Illinois ESTEBAN LOPEZ, University of Illinois; Minshu Du, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign; Geoffrey Hewings, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Indro Ray, Indian Institute of Human Settlements
William Rogers, University Of Missouri Saint Louis
Cristina Miller, University of Illinois at Chicago
ESTEBAN LOPEZ, University of Illinois
Michael S Moore, University of Toledo
81. UEA: Wages and the Cost of Living Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Provinces I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: David Bieri, University of Michigan
- Immigrants’ Real Wages J. Nicholas Dadson, Simon Fraser University
- Wages Rents Unemployment and the Quality of Life Matthias Wrede, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Are Poor Cities Cheap for Everyone? Non-Homotheticity and the Cost of Living Across U.S. Cities Jessie Handbury, Columbia University
- Housing Affordability with Local Wage and Price Variation David Bieri, University of Michigan; Casey Dawkins, University of Maryland
Matthias Wrede, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Jessie Handbury, Columbia University
David Bieri, University of Michigan
J. Nicholas Dadson, Simon Fraser University
82. Location Modeling II Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Provinces II
Organizers: Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University; Timothy C Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia ; Sergio Rodolfo Garate, Marquette University
Chair: Sergio Rodolfo Garate, Marquette University
- Land organization in the proximity of airports: the case of aerotropolis Rosella Nicolini, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Ricardo Flores-Fillol, Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - Institut d’Economia de Barcelona
- Putting a Price on Politics as Usual: Rural Air Transport in the United States
Tony H. Grubesic, Drexel University; Alan T. Murray, Arizona State University; Timothy C. Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
- Essential Air Service: A Local Geographic Market Perspective Fangwu Wei, Drexel University; Tony H. Grubesic, Drexel University
- Measuring the Impact of Agglomeration on Chilean Supermarket Productivity Sergio Rodolfo Garate, Marquette University; Anthony Pennington-Cross, Marquette University
Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University
Kamyoung Kim, Kyungpook National University
Alan T Murray, Arizona State University
Rosella Nicolini, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
83. GeoComputation 3: Cellular Automata Friday Nov 9 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Quebec
Organizers: Suzana Dragicevic, Simon Fraser University; Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chair: Fang Wang, University of Calgary
- Modelling regional Urban Dynamics: the JingJinJi metropolitical area in China Ruibo Han, University of Ottawa; Huhua Cao, University of Ottawa
- A Cellular Automata Model to Study Classical Technical Change at Municipalities in Mexico 1999-2009
Jose Antonio Huitron, National University of Mexico; Marcos Valdivia , National University of Mexico
- Simulation of land use change and building construction for construction of new road infrastructure Shohel Reza Amin, Concordia University; Luis E Amador-Jiménez, Concordia University
- Evaluation of land-use planning scenarios in the eastern Elbow River watershed using a fine-scale patch-based CA model Fang Wang, University of Calgary; Danielle J. Marceau, University of Calgary
Didier G. Leibovici, University of Leeds
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
84. RSAI Fellows Lunch Friday Nov 9 | 12:30 PM-1:30 PM | Room TBA
85. SRSA Business Lunch Friday Nov 9 | 12:30 PM-1:30 PM | TBA
12:30 PM-2:00 PM
86. PRSCO Lunch Friday Nov 9 | 12:30 PM-2:00 PM | Ontario
1:30 PM-3:30 PM
87. Econometric Models III Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Alberta
Chair: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin
- Spatial Panel Data Forecasting over Different Horizons, Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions Matías Mayor, University of Oviedo ; Roberto Patuelli, University of Bologna
- State transfers at different moments in time: a spatial probit approach Paul Elhorst, University of Groningen; Pim Heijnen, University of Groningen; Anna Samarina, University of Groningen; Jan Jacobs, University of Groningen
- Using a spatial bivariate probit model to analyze public school consolidation Olivier Parent, University of Cincinnati; David brasington, University of Cincinnati
- A Spatial Autoregressive Multinomial Probit Model for Anticipating Land Use Change in Austin, Texas Yiyi Wang, The University of Texas, Austin; Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; Paul Damien, The University of Texas, Austin
Yiyi Wang, The University of Texas, Austin
Matías Mayor, University of Oviedo
Paul Elhorst, University of Groningen
Olivier Parent, University of Cincinnati
88. Regional Development IV: Knowledge and Innovation Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University; Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University
Chair: Richard Shearmur, Inrs Urbanisation
- Modern Regional Innovation Policy
Philip McCann and Raquel Ortega-Argiles
- Human Capital, Knowledge Spillovers, and One Kind of Semi-Endogenous Economic Growth in Multiple Regions Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute Of Technology; Hamid Beladi, University of Texas - San Antonio
- Local innovation and local growth: rethinking the geography of innovation Richard Shearmur, Inrs Urbanisation
- Regional Innovation Patterns and the EU Regional Policy Reform:
Towards Smart Innovation Policies Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano; Roberto Camagni, Politecnico di Milano
Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute Of Technology
Richard Shearmur, Inrs Urbanisation
Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
Philip McCann, University of Groningen
89. UEA: Agglomeration 3 Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Daniel Murphy, University of Michigan
- A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald Davis, Columbia University; Jonathan Dingel, Columbia University
- Geographical Concentration of Inter-Organizational Collaborations Hiroyasu Inoue, Osaka Sangyo University; Kentaro Nakajima, Tohoku University; Yukiko Saito, Research Institute of Economy Trade and Industry
- Travel demand and the consumption value of urban density. Victor Couture, University of Toronto
- Urban Density and the Substitution of Market Purchases for Home Production Daniel Murphy, University of Michigan
Kentaro Nakajima, Tohoku University
Victor Couture, University of Toronto
Daniel Murphy, University of Michigan
Jonathan Dingel, Columbia University
90. UEA: Trade Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Kristian Behrens, UQAM
- Economic Relations Between Employment Centers Janet Kohlhase, Dept of Economics University of Houston; Steven Craig, Dept of Economics University of Houston; Adam Perdue, Dept of Economics University of Houston
- Roads and Trade: Evidence from the US Gilles Duranton, University of Toronto; Peter M. Morrow, University of Toronto; Matthew A. Turner, University of Toronto
- Trade and Towns: On the Uneven Effects of Trade Liberalization Marius Brülhart, University of Lausanne; Céline Carrère, University of Geneva; Frédéric Robert-Nicoud, University of Geneva
- Unweaving clusters: Manufacturing localization and international trade in Canada 2001’ì2009 Kristian Behrens, UQAM
Peter M. Morrow, University of Toronto
Frédéric Robert-Nicoud, University of Geneva
Kristian Behrens, UQAM
Janet Kohlhase, Dept of Economics University of Houston
91. UEA: Effects of Negative Housing Equity Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Morris A. Davis, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Household Mobility Negative Home Equity and Economic Insecurity: Evidence from the 2007’ì2009 SCF Panel Jesse Bricker, Federal Reserve Board; Brian Bucks, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Negative Equity and Wages Chris Cunningham, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Rob Reed, University of Alabama
- How Does Home Equity Affect Homeowner Mobility? Fredrik Andersson, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Tom Mayock, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
- The Role of Housing in Labor Reallocation Morris A. Davis, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Jonas D.M. Fisher, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Marcelo Veracierto, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Chris Cunningham, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Tom Mayock, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Morris A. Davis, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Jesse Bricker, Federal Reserve Board
92. Emissions Modeling & Greenhouse Gases Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Manitoba
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Zhai Shiyan, East China Normal University
- Capturing the Environmental Impacts of Isolated and Area-Wide Traffic Calming Measures Using a Combination of Traffic Simulation and Microscopic Emission Modeling Golnaz Ghafghazi, McGill University; Marianne Hatzopoulou, McGill University
- The Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential and Associated Costs in the State of Oregon
Shengmao Mu, UC Davis; Lewison Lee lem, Jack Faucett Assoicates
- The Prediction of Carbon Emissions Demands in China, America and India under the Balance Economic Growth Path Zhai Shiyan, East China Normal University; Wang Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhu Yongbin, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Peng Yongming, East China Normal University
Zhai Shiyan, East China Normal University
Golnaz Ghafghazi, McGill University
Shengmao Mu, UC Davis
93. Spatial Statistics: Applications II Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | New Brunswick
Chair: Chandra R Bhat, The University of Texas at Austin
- Economic growth in Italian NUTS 3 provinces Paolo Postiglione, University of Chieti-Pescara; Domenica Panzera, University of Chieti - Pescara
- Crime spillover determinants: a spatial panel analysis for Brazilian States Carlos Frederico Uchoa, Federal University of Pernambuco ; Tatiane Ameida de Menezes, Federal University of Pernambuco Brazil
- Perspectives on Motherhood: A Comparative Analysis of Imagined and Actual Motherhood Whitney Terrill Farhat, Howard University
- A Semi-Parametric Analysis of Land Prices in Exurbia Matthew K. Gnagey, The Ohio State University; Elena G. Irwin, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY
Matthew K Gnagey, The Ohio State University
Myrna L. Sastre Gutierrez, Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila
Rajesh Paleti, University of Texas - Austin
94. Regional/Rural Development IV: Local Food, Agriculture, and Growth Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Newfoundland
Organizers: Stephan Weiler; Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University
Chair: Stephen J Vogel, USDA/Economic Research Service
- Regional Impacts of Non-Traditional Agriculture in U.S. Counties Jason Brown, USDA Economic Research Service; Stephan Goetz, Pennsylvania State University; Mary Ahearn, USDA Economic Research Service; Chyi-lyi Liang, University of Vermont
- The Robustness of Local Foods and Rural Economic Growth Steve Deller, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Anna Haines, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point; Laura Brown, University of Wisconsin - Extension; Randy Fortenberry, Washington State University
- The Local Economic Impact of the Farm Boom on the Corn Belt in the Midwest: A spatial econometric perspective Comlanvi Martin KONOU, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Farm Portfolio Entrepreneurship and Its Importance in the Rural Economy: A Canadian and US Comparison Stephen J Vogel, USDA/Economic Research Service; Ray Bollman, Rural Development Institute
Comlanvi Martin KONOU, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Stephen J Vogel, USDA/Economic Research Service
Jason Brown, USDA Economic Research Service
Steve Deller, University of Wisconsin - Madison
95. Housing III: Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Maria Plotnikova, Aberystwyth University
- Urban upgrading in Rio de Janeiro: Evidence from the Favela-Bairro program Laura H. Atuesta, Inter-American Development Bank; Yuri Soares, Inter-American Development Bank
- A Discrete Choice Model of Single Family Residential Development Debarshi Indra, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Alex Anas, State University of New York at Buffalo
- The determinants of the housing budget:
an analysis for French households
Nicolas E. Coulombel, Université Paris Est; Clémence Morel, University Paris-Est
- HOUSING PRIVATIZATION CHOICE IN RUSSIA: A CELLULAR AUTOMATA APPROACH Maria Plotnikova, Aberystwyth University; Galina Shaposhnikova, Moscow State University
Yan Bao, Ohio State University
Edward Coulson, Penn State University
Maria Plotnikova, Aberystwyth University
Luis A. Galvis, Banco de la Republica - Colombia
96. UEA: Crime and Housing Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Provinces I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Jan Rouwendal, VU University
- Burning Down the House: Moral Hazard and House Prices Michael Eriksen, University of Georgia; James Carson, University of Georgia
- Foreclosures Crime and Housing Values: Towards A Better Understanding of the Contagion Effect Keith Ihlanfeldt, Florida State University; Tom Mayock, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
- The Effect of Vacant Building Demolitions on Crime Under Depopulation Christina Plerhoples, Michigan State University
- Social Interactions and Crime Revisited Wim Bernasco, VU University; Thomas de Graaff, VU University; Jan Rouwendal, VU University; Wouter Steenbeek, VU University
Tom Mayock, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Christina Plerhoples, Michigan State University
Jan Rouwendal, VU University
Michael Eriksen, University of Georgia
97. Location Modeling III Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Provinces II
Organizers: Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University; Timothy C Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
Chair: Kuninori Nakagawa, Kushiro Public University of Economics
- Model Support for School Boundary Planning Tony H. Grubesic, Drexel University; Alan T. Murray, Arizona State University; Ran Wei, Arizona State University; Jing Yao, Arizona State University; William Lazarus, SEER Analytics
- School facility location-allocation problems: modeling challenges, algorithmic development and visualization Min Chen, University of North Carolina - Charlotte ; Jean-Claude F. Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte; Eric Delmelle, University of North Carolina (Charlotte)
- A Time-Geographic Analysis of Individuals’ Activity Spaces in Urban Areas Yorgos N. Photis, University of Thessaly
- Spatial competition in Varian’s model of sales Kuninori Nakagawa, Kushiro Public University of Economics
Eric Delmelle, University of North Carolina (Charlotte)
Ran Wei, Arizona State University
Emre Demir, University of Missouri - Columbia
Kenmei TSUBOTA, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization
98. GeoComputation 4: Modeling with Agents I Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Quebec
Organizers: Suzana Dragicevic, Simon Fraser University; Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chair: Andrew Crooks, George Mason University
- The Latin-American urban network: An agent-based modeling approach Diego Silva Ardila, Universidad Industrial de Santander
- Labor mobility and Creative Class across Metropolitan Areas of Mexico: an agent based modeling approach Marcos Valdivia , National University of Mexico
- Preliminary Validation of a Dynamic Household Vehicle Transaction Model for an Agent-Based Integrated Urban Microsimulation Model Jared Alistair Duivestein, University of Toronto; Franco Chingcuanco, University of Toronto; Eric J. Miller, University of Toronto
- The Spread of Cholera in Dadaab Refugee Camps: An Agent Based Modeling Perspective Andrew Crooks, George Mason University ; Atesmachew Hailegorgis, George Mason University
- An Agent-Based Model of Plant Disease Diffusion and Control: Grapevine Leafroll Disease Shady S. S. Atallah, Cornell University; Miguel I. Gomez, Cornell University; Jon M. Conrad, Cornell University; Jan P. Nyrop, Cornell University; Jon M. Conrad, Cornell University; Jan P. Nyrop, Cornell University
Xinyue Ye, Bowling Green State University
99. Formal Paper Session Urban Economic Theory III: Urban Spatial Structure Friday Nov 9 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Les Saisons
Chair: John R Miron, University of Toronto
- A recursive-truncation approach to the distribution of cities Giorgio Fazio, Università degli Studi di Palermo; Marco Modica, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca
- Changes in Urban Spatial Structure over Time: A Meta-Analysis of Population Density Gradients
Xiaofei Li, Purdue University; Brigitte Waldorf, Purdue University; Raymond Florax, Purdue University
- City structure and informal property rights in West Africa Harris Selod, The World Bank; Lara Tobin, Paris School of Economics
- Land use planning and the organization of cities John R Miron, University of Toronto
Sidney Turner, George Mason University
Samuel G Krueger, University of Southern California
Asao Ando, Tohoku University
Bo Jiang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
3:00 PM-3:30 PM
100. Coffee Break - Friday afternoon Friday Nov 9 | 3:00 PM-3:30 PM | Provinces Foyer
4:00 PM-6:00 PM
101. Health Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Alberta
Chair: Todd Gabe, University Of Maine
- Nutrition, Food Access and Social Behavior in a Low-Income Minority Neighborhood Tammy Leonard, ; Caitlin McKillop, University of Texas - Dallas
- Variations in Park Amenity Valuations across Neighborhoods Tammy Leonard, ; James C. murdoch, University of Texas - Dallas; Lei Zhang, Edinboro University of PA; Christy Hoehner, University of Washington
- Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Infant Health: Evidence from Pennsylvania Elaine Hill, Cornell University
- Costs of Childhood Obesity in Maine Todd Gabe, University Of Maine
- Optimal Spatial Allocation of Dialysis Machines in Brazil Pedro Amaral, Bank of Italy
Todd Gabe, University Of Maine
Elaine Hill, Cornell University
Tammy Leonard
Pedro Amaral, Bank of Italy
James C murdoch, University of Texas - Dallas
102. Regional Development V: Arts and Culture Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University; Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University
Chair: Bruce A. Seaman, Georgia State University
- Non-Profit Arts and Professional Sports: The Demands on Local Governments William B. Beyers, University Of Washington
- Living Apart Together: The Economic Value of Ethnic Diversity in Cities Jessie Bakens, VU University Amsterdam; Raymond Florax, Purdue University; Peter Mulder, VU university Amsterdam
- The Loving and Loathing of Lawyers: Chapter 16 of NAFTA and North American Creative Class Cross Border Professional Labor Mobility Kathrine E. Richardson, San Jose State University
- Is There Still an Arts/Sports Disparity in the Treatment of Capacity Constraints and Ex Post Verification Tests? Bruce A. Seaman, Georgia State University
Jessie Bakens, VU University Amsterdam
Kathrine E. Richardson, San Jose State University
Bruce A. Seaman, Georgia State University
William B. Beyers, University Of Washington
103. UEA: A Tribute to John Quigley Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Governor General I
Organizer: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto
Chair: Vernon Henderson, Brown University
- Urban Quantities and Amenities David Albouy, University of Michigan; Bryan Stuart, University of Michigan
- Tipping Revisited: Neighborhood Context, Perceptions of Stability & The Pervasiveness of Tolerance in Los Angeles 1940-2000 Christian Redfearn, Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California; Philip Ethington, University of Southern California
104. International Migration Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Governor General II
Chair: Catalina Herrera, Cornell University
- The Preference for Larger Cities in China: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants Chunbing Xing, Beijing Normal University; Junfu Zhang, Clark University
- Modeling migration between different regions in a country Jose MG Martins, Universidade Aveiro; Eduardo Anselmo Castro, University of Aveiro; Carlos Jorge Silva, University of Aveiro
- Internal Migration Flows by Skill Levels in Mexico: Agglomeration Economies vs Amenities forces. Jose Francisco Perez-de la Torre, UNAM; Marcos Valdivia , National University of Mexico; Luis Quintana-Romero, National University of Mexico
- Determinants of Internal Migration Among Senegalese Youth Catalina Herrera, Cornell University; David Sahn , Cornell University
Catalina Herrera, Cornell University
Jose Francisco Perez-de la Torre, UNAM
Junfu Zhang, Clark University
Jose MG Martins, Universidade Aveiro
105. Real Estate Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Governor General III
Chair: Eyal - Salinger, Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies
- Using Spatial Data Pooled over Time to Estimate Dynamic and Spatial Marginal Effect: An Application based on Real Estate Data Jean Dube, Universite du Quebec a Rimouski; Diègo Legros, University of Burgundy
- Are real house prices stationary? Evidence from new panel and univariate data JING ZHANG, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY; Robert de Jong, Ohio State University; Donald Haurin, Ohio State University
- Real Estate Prices and the Impact of Public Debt Martin Micheli, RWI
- Estimating the Added Costs of Conserving Buildings with Cultural Heritage Value Eyal -. Salinger, Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies; Daniel Shefer, Techninon - Israel Institute of Technology
Eyal - Salinger, Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies
Martin Micheli, RWI
Jean Dube, Universite du Quebec a Rimouski
106. Economic Development I: Wages and Inequality Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Les Saisons
Chair: Tetyana Z Beregovska, University of Missouri
- Asymmetric Patterns of Regional Income Growth and Decline Changkeun Lee, Seoul National University; Euijune Kim, Seoul National University
- Per Capita Personal Income Growth in the Delta Region: Categorization of Economic Performance and Components of Population Change 1990-2010 Gregory L. Hamilton, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- Economic Growth in the State of Missouri: Application of Bayesian Hierarchical Model to Heterogeneous Neighborhoods of Counties’ Earnings per Worker Tetyana Z. Beregovska, University of Missouri
John M Clapp, U of Connecticut
Kailas Venkitasubramanian, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Don Vandegrift
107. Natural Resources Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Manitoba
Chair: Catalina Catalina Blanco, Universidad Central
- Mining and Regional Development David A. Fleming, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences; Thomas Measham, CSIRO
- Trade liberalisation and global-scale forest transition Rafael Gonzalez-Val, Universitat de Barcelona & Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB); Fernando Pueyo, University of Zaragoza
- By Sector Water Consumption Evaluation and an Improved LMDI Model: A case Study in Beijing, China xiuli liu, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Geoffrey Hewings, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign; xikang chen, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences; shouyang wang, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- The cases of Boyacá and Cesar: Networks and Governance of Coal Mining in Colombia 2012 Catalina Blanco, Universidad Central; Jairo Santander,
Catalina Blanco, Universidad Central
xiuli liu, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
David A. Fleming, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
Rafael Gonzalez-Val, Universitat de Barcelona & Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB)
108. Evaluating Transportation Systems Using Equity and Other Metrics Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | New Brunswick
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Timothy Welch, University of Maryland, College Park
- Shifting from Means to Distributions: A Demonstration of the Usefulness of Distributional Comparison Methods for Transportation Equity Analysis Tierra S. Bills, University of California - Berkeley; Joan walker, University of California - Berkeley
- Holistic Evaluation of Texas Transportation Projects and Policies: The Relative Roles of Traveler Welfare, Emissions, Crashes and Travel Time Brice Nichols, The University of Texas, Austin; Daniel Fagnant, The University of Texas, Austin; Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin
- Indicators for assessing equity in public transport Timothy Welch, University of Maryland, College Park; Sabya Mishra, University of Maryland - College Park
- A Negotiation Game Analysis of Airport and Airline Risk Sharing Contract katsuya hihara, University of Tokyo
Timothy Welch, University of Maryland, College Park
katsuya hihara, University of Tokyo
Tierra S. Bills, University of California - Berkeley
Brice Nichols, The University of Texas, Austin
109. Regional/Rural Development V: Education, Demographics, and Microfinance Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Newfoundland
Organizers: Stephan Weiler; Peter Schaeffer, West Virginia University
Chair: Edmund Tavernier, Rutgers University
- A Reassessment of the Social and Economic Benefits of Rural Schools on Local Communities: The Case of New York State Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Cornell University ; Nij Tontisirin, Cornell University; Joe D. Francis, Cornell University; John W. Sipple, Cornell University
- Rural Canada is Growing, But Where? A Demographic Perspective Julie Belanger, Statistics Canada
- Is the Relationship between Nonmetropolitan County Education and Income Mediated by Industry or Occupation? Is it What Counties Do or How They Do It? David McGranahan, USDA Economic Research Service ; Tim Wojan, USDA Economic Research Service
- Social Mobility through Microfinance Intervention: A case study of from India Edmund Tavernier, Rutgers University ; Isaac Vellangany, Rutgers University
David McGranahan, USDA Economic Research Service
Edmund Tavernier, Rutgers University
Nij Tontisirin, Cornell University
Julie Belanger, Statistics Canada
110. Environment and Waste Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Tingting Wu, Department of Agricultural Economics, McGill University
- Does the NIMBY strategy really promote a self-interest?: Evidence from England’s waste management policy Masashi Yamamoto, University of Toyama; Yuichiro Yoshida, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
- From the tank to climate change : multiple environmental impacts of wastewater management Sophie Legras, INRA
- Regionalization of ecological units: Module one of a decision support tool for the design and evaluation of integrated water monitoring networks. Matthew D. Adams, McMaster University; Pavlos Kanaroglou, McMaster University
- Vehicle Lifetime Trends and Scrappage Behavior in the Used Car Market Antonio Bento, Cornell University; Kevin Roth, Cornell University; Yiou/Scarlett Zuo, Cornell University
- A Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Wood Pellets for Quebec Tingting Wu, Department of Agricultural Economics, McGill University; Kakali Mukhopadhyay, Department of Agricultural Economics; Paul J. Thomassin, Department of Agricultural Economics
Tingting Wu, Department of Agricultural Economics, McGill University
Antonio Bento, Cornell University
Masashi Yamamoto, University of Toyama
Sophie Legras, INRA
Matthew D Adams, McMaster University
111. RSAI Council Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Ontario
112. Industrial and Automotive Issues Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Provinces I
Chair: Takayoshi Shinkuma, Kansai University
- Agglomeration Economies on Production in the Japanese Automobile Manufacturing Industry Suminori Tokunaga, University of Tsukuba; Yuko Akune, Reitaku University; Masahiro Kageyama, Joyo Bank
- Industrial Agglomeration and Dynamic Externalities in Japan’s Motor Metropolis: A Spatial Econometric Perspective
Tetsu Kawakami, Kinki University; Eri Yamada, Nagoya University
- Measuring Brand Power Using Conjoint Analysis
-Focusing on Chinese Compact Car Market- Kyoungbong Woo, Korea National Open University
- An Empirical Analysis of Agglomeration, Market Potential and Location Choice of Japanese Electoronics, Automobile and Beverage Industries in East Asia Suminori Tokunaga, University of Tsukuba; Yuko Akune, Reitaku University; Maria Ikegawa, University of Tsukuba
- Tax versus Emission Permit in the Long Run Takayoshi Shinkuma, Kansai University; Hajime Sugeta, Kansai University
Takayoshi Shinkuma, Kansai University
Suminori Tokunaga, University of Tsukuba
Tetsu Kawakami, Kinki University
Kyoungbong Woo, Korea National Open University
Suminori Tokunaga, University of Tsukuba
113. Location Modeling IV Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Provinces II
Organizers: Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University; Timothy C Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
Chair: Timothy C Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
- A new perspective in dispersive facility location modeling Matthew R. Niblett, University of California, Santa Barbara; Rick Church, University Of California At Santa Barbara
- Spatial contiguity in cluster detection Alan T. Murray, Arizona State University; Ran Wei, Arizona State University; Tony H. Grubesic, Drexel University
- Pushing the envelope: solution strategies for optimally solving large p-median location problems Rick Church, University Of California At Santa Barbara
- Evaluating Path Similarity Emre Demir, University of Missouri - Columbia; Timothy C. Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
Tony H Grubesic, Drexel University
Eric Delmelle, University of North Carolina (Charlotte)
Timothy C Matisziw, University of Missouri - Columbia
Fangwu Wei, Drexel University
114. GeoComputation 5: Modeling with Agents II Friday Nov 9 | 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Quebec
Organizers: Suzana Dragicevic, Simon Fraser University; Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chair: Andrew Crooks, George Mason University
- A Microsimulation Model of Labor Force Updating for the Integrated Land Use, Transportation, Environment (ILUTE) Model System Franco Chingcuanco, University of Toronto; Adam Harmon, University of Toronto; Aditya Dhoot, University of Toronto; Eric J. Miller, University of Toronto
- Multi-Agent-based Simulation on the Evolution and Development of Chinese Regional Economy with Technology and Capital Diffusion Wang Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Gaoxiang Gu, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zixuan YAO, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sichuan Normal University Chengdu College
- Integrating GIS and ABM to Explore Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India Amit Patel, George Mason University; Andrew Crooks, George Mason University; Naoru Koizumi, George Mason University
- Towards a realistic model of urban dynamics through massive social data, agent-based modelling and artificial intelligence calibration methods Nick Malleson, University of Leeds; Mark Birkin, University of Leeds
- Agent-Based Modeling of Climate Change, Land Acquisition and Household Dynamics in Southern Ethiopia Atesmachew B. Hailegiorgis, George Mason University
Andrew Crooks, George Mason University
6:15 PM-8:00 PM
115. Women in Regional Science Friday Nov 9 | 6:15 PM-8:00 PM | Room TBA
116. UEA Cocktail Reception Friday Nov 9 | 6:15 PM-8:00 PM | TBA
Saturday, 10 November 2012
8:00 AM-10:00 AM
117. Creative Cities and the Creative Class Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Alberta
Chair: Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute Of Technology
- The Impact of the Built Environment on the Location Choices of the Creative Class: Evidence from Thailand Yuri Mansury, Cornell University ; Nij Tontisirin, Cornell University; Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Cornell University
- The IOC’s Midas Touch: Summer Olympics and City Growth Nicolai Wendland, Darmstadt University of Technology; Voker Nitsch, Darmstadt University of Technology
- The Creative Class, its Preferences, and Unbalanced Growth in an Urban Economy Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute Of Technology; Peter Nijkamp, VU University
Nicolai Wendland, Darmstadt University of Technology
Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute Of Technology
Yuri Mansury, Cornell University
118. Regional Development VI: Amenities, Health, and Tourism Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | British Columbia
Organizers: Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University; Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University
Chair: Darla K Munroe, Ohio State University
- Tourism and regional growth in Europe Raffaele Paci, University of Cagliari; Emanuela Marrocu, University of Cagliari
- Spatial patterns of forest tourism in Hocking County, Ohio Darla K. Munroe, Ohio State University; Caleb Gallemore, Ohio State University; Derek B. van Berkel, Ohio State University
- Does tourism affect house prices? Some evidence from Italy Bianca Biagi, University of Sassari-Italy; Maria Giovanna Brandano, University of Sassari-Italy; Dionysia Dr Lambiri, University of Southampton
- Quality of Life: A Worldview
Riley J. Abbott, George Washington University; John I. Carruthers, The George Washington University
Caleb Gallemore, Ohio State University
Bianca Biagi, University of Sassari-Italy
John I. Carruthers, The George Washington University
Raffaele Paci, University of Cagliari
119. UEA: Human Capital in Cities Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Sabine D’Costa, Queen Mary University of London
- Smart City: Learning Effects and Labor Force Entry Zhi Wang, Brown University
- Geographic Concentration of Mergers & Acquisitions Steven Brakman, University of Groningen; Harry Garretsen, University of Groningen; Charles Van Marrewijk, University of Utrecht
- What Drive the Geographic Concentration of College Graduates in US? Evidence of Learning in Cities from Internal Migration Yuming Fu, National University of Singapore; Wen-Chi Liao, National University of Singapore
- Does labour market size have an effect on the wage growth of workers in Great Britain? Sabine D’Costa, Queen Mary University of London; Henry Overman, London School of Economics
Steven Brakman, University of Groningen
Wen-Chi Liao, National University of Singapore
Sabine D’Costa, Queen Mary University of London
Zhi Wang, Brown University
120. UEA: Environment Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Wouter Vermeulen, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
- Homeownership and NIMBYism: A spatial analysis of airport effects Gabriel Ahlfeldt, London School of Economics; Wolfgang Maennig, University of Hamburg
- Spatial and Social Disparities in the Benefits from Air Quality Improvements Antonio Bento, Cornell University; Matthew Freedman, Cornell University; Corey Lang, University of Rhode Island
- The Dynamics of House Price Capitalization and Locational Sorting: Evidence from Air Quality Changes Corey Lang, University of Rhode Island
- On the value of foregone open space in sprawling cities Wouter Vermeulen, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis; Jan Rouwendal, VU University
Antonio Bento, Cornell University
Corey Lang, University of Rhode Island
Wouter Vermeulen, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Gabriel Ahlfeldt, London School of Economics
121. UEA: Labor Markets and Neighbourhoods Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Nathan Schiff, Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia
- Do Labor Market Networks Have An Important Spatial Dimension? Judith Hellerstein, University of Maryland; Mark Kutzbach, US Census Bureau; David Neumark, University of California Irvine
- The Impact of Immigration on Local Labor Market Outcomes of Native Workers: Panel Data Evidence Gregory Verdugo, Banque de France; Javier Ortega, City University London
- A Dynamic Model of Cities and Labor Market Dynamics Kyle Mangum, Georgia State University
- Population Geography and Search: Car Dealerships and the Incentives to Cluster Nathan Schiff, Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia
Gregory Verdugo, Banque de France
Kyle Mangum, Georgia State University
Nathan Schiff, Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia
Mark Kutzbach, US Census Bureau
122. Commuting and Congestion Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Les Saisons
Chair: Elizabeth C Delmelle, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- The Spatial Effects of Traffic Congestion Joseph R. Nicholson, University of Georgia; Richard W. Martin, University of Georgia
- Sub-Centres and mobility patterns: A study on Social and Environmental Costs due to Commuting in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region Jaume Masip Tresserra, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
- Traffic Congestion and Gentrification: Do Cities with Increasing Traffic Congestion Levels Experience Greater Gentrification Pressure? Joseph R. Nicholson, University of Georgia; Richard W. Martin, University of Georgia
- Sprawl, Congestion, Planning, and Demographics: The Complimentary and Contradictory Influences on Growth and Intensification in Toronto Chris Higgins, McMaster University; Pavlos Kanaroglou, McMaster University
- Congestion and agglomeration externalities in a general equilibrium urban structure model Yuval Kantor, VU University Amsterdam; Jos Van Ommeren, VU University Amsterdam; Piet Rietveld, VU University Amsterdam
Chris Higgins, McMaster University
Yuval Kantor, VU University Amsterdam
Jaume Masip Tresserra, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Joseph R Nicholson, University of Georgia
Joseph R Nicholson, University of Georgia
123. Labor I: Wages Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Manitoba
Chair: John Francis, Louisiana Tech University
- Regional Characteristics of Reservation Wages - Determinants and Implications. Uwe Blien, Institut fuer Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung; Susanne Messmann, Federal Employment Services; Mark Trappmann, IAB Institute for Employment Research
- The Impact of Migration on the Gender Wage Gap Tiago Freire, XJTLU
- The Failure of Canada-U.S. Income to converge: The Contribution of the Pulp and Paper industry Jean-Thomas Bernard, Université d\’Ottawa
- Agglomeration and Volatility of Hours Worked Jie Dai, Syracuse University
- Economic Geography and Job Flows: Evidence from US Workforce Investment Areas John Francis, Louisiana Tech University; Robert Eisenstadt, University of Louisiana Monroe
Jie Dai, Syracuse University
Jean-Thomas Bernard, Université d\’Ottawa
Uwe Blien, Institut fuer Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
John Francis, Louisiana Tech University
Tiago Freire, XJTLU
124. Migration I: Internal Migration Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | New Brunswick
Chair: Leo Feler, Johns Hopkins University SAIS
- Senior Migration Drivers: Natural Amenities versus Access to Medical Care Anne M. Karner, University of Georgia; Jeffrey H. Dorfman, University of Georgia
- Moving shop? The relationship between residential migration of self-employed and the location of their firms. sierdjan koster, University of Groningen; Viktor A. Venhorst, University of Groningen
- Migration in and around Fukushima, Japan: An Interregional Input-Output and Spatial Analysis Kiyoshi Yonemoto, Takasaki City University of Economics
- Multiplier Effects and Spillovers from Cash-Transfers to the Poor Nicholas Coleman, Brown University; Leo Feler, Johns Hopkins University SAIS
WEI XIAO, Stockholm University
Eduardo Anselmo Castro, University of Aveiro
John V Winters, University of Cincinnati
Rachel Guillain, Université de Bourgogne
125. Local Public Finance I: US Perpsectives Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Newfoundland
Chair: Justin M Ross, Indiana University
- Local Government Fragmentation and Local Expenditures: A Panel Data Analysis Christopher B. Goodman, Rutgers University
- State Tax Revenue Volatility: An Empirical Puzzle Nathan Seegert, University of Michigan
- Historic Preservation, Property Values, and Tax Rates: A Municipal-Level Analysis in New Jersey Michael L. Lahr, Rutgers University
- School District Income Taxes: New Revenue or a Property Tax Substitute? Justin M. Ross, Indiana University
- Gaming, States, and Tax Revenues: Tortoise and the Hare Revisited? Maria Teresa Alvarez-Martinez, Rutgers University; Michael L. Lahr, Rutgers University
Hubert Jayet, medee-equippe
Nobuhiko Daito, George Mason University
Santiago Pinto, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Michael L Lahr, Rutgers University
Nelly Exbrayat, GATE Lyon St-Etienne
126. Spatial Statistics: Methods I Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Giuseppe Arbia, university \\
- Spatial Variance: Examples and Tests for LOSH Using Environmental and Health Data from Accra, Ghana
Arthur Getis, San Diego State University
- Recovering Missing Data Considering the Spatial Interaction Patricio Aroca, Universidad Catolica del Norte; MONICA NAVARRETE, Universidad de Tarapaca
- Eigenvector-based spatial filtering for continuous space: a harmonic-regression-based practical spatial filter specification Daisuke Murakami, University of Tsukuba
- Computational issues in the estimation of the Spatial Probit Model: a comparison of various estimators Giuseppe Arbia, university \\; Anna Gloria Bille’, University \"G. D\’Annunzio\" of Chieti-Pescara
Giuseppe Arbia, university \\
Daisuke Murakami, University of Tsukuba
Arthur Getis, San Diego State University
Patricio Aroca, Universidad Catolica del Norte
127. Economic Development II: Regional Issues Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Provinces I
Chair: Andres Enrique Ballesteros , Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Lisbon Agenda, Regional Innovation System and the New EU Cohesion Policy Chang Woon Nam, ifo Institute ; Alina M. Schoenberg, Bundeswehr University Munich; Georg Wamser, ETH Zürich
- Regional Economic Growth and spatial interactions in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico, 2000-2008 Nelly E. Linares, UNAM
- Understanding the variation in levels of start-up entrepreneurship in local authorities in Wales using fsQCA Andrew James Crawley, Cardiff University
- The regional technology development planning -theory and case study Lihua Zhang, Institute of Policy and Management,Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Natural Resource Curse and Poverty in Appalachian America Mark D. Partridge, Ohio State University ; Michael Betz, Ohio State University; Linda , Ohio State University
Changkeun Lee, Seoul National University
Gregory L. Hamilton, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Tetyana Z Beregovska, University of Missouri
Chang Woon Nam, ifo Institute
Emily Freedman, University of Maine
128. Input-Output I Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Provinces II
Chair: Erik Dietzenbacher, University of Groningen
- Testing the Role of Intermediate Demand in Determining Industrial Agglomeration with Spatial Econometrics and Input-Output Model ZHENG TIAN, WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY
- The Role of Brazilian Regions in the Global Value Chain Erik Dietzenbacher, University of Groningen; Joaquim J.M. Guilhoto, University of Sao Paulo; Denise Imori, University of São Paulo
- Revealed international competition and regional economic integration in Europe Mark Thissen, Netherlands Environmental Assesment Agency ; Frank van Van Oort, Utrecht University
- Specialization and its changes in Chinese Provinces: Does the international integration still matter? Xuemei Jiang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Comparing Regional Productive Structures Using the Qualitative Input-Output Analysis (QIOA) Framework Marcelo Lufin, Catholic University of the North ; ESTEBAN LOPEZ, University of Illinois
Andre Fernandes Tomon Avelino, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Any Wahyuni, Toyohashi University of Technology
Neus Raines, University of Missouri Columbia
ESTEBAN LOPEZ, University of Illinois
Rebekka Dudensing, Texas AgriLife Research
129. Location and Transport Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-10:00 AM | Quebec
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Shady S. S Atallah, Cornell University
- The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location Problem: A Parking-Based Assignment Method for Seattle T. Donna Chen, The University of Texas, Austin; Mobashwir Khan, Cambridge Systematics; Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin
- The multiregional core-periphery model: The role of the spatial topology Javier Barbero, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; José L. Zofío, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
- Optimal Circumferential Highway in a Monocentric City Rashed Abu Nur Ahmed, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies ; YUICHIRO YOSHIDA, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
- A Transportation Model for the Eastern Broccoli Industry Shady S. S. Atallah, Cornell University; Miguel I. Gomez, Cornell University; Thomas Björkman, Cornell University
Shady S. S Atallah, Cornell University
Rashed Abu Nur Ahmed, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
T. Donna Chen, The University of Texas, Austin
Javier Barbero, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
130. Poster Session Saturday Nov 10 | 8:00 AM-12:00 PM | Provinces Foyer
- Identifying Dimensions of Transport Exclusion from a Blog Content Analysis Irene Casas, Louisiana Tech University; Elizabeth C. Delmelle, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Land Development Trajectory of a Southeastern Urban Region: Sustainability in Charlotte, North Carolina Jean-Claude F. Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte; Yuhong Zhou, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Elizabeth C. Delmelle, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Linking an emissions model with a traffic simulation model at a neighborhood level: Evaluating the effects of network-wide strategies on the reduction of traffic emissions Ahsan Alam, McGill University; Golnaz Ghafghazi, McGill University; Marianne Hatzopoulou, McGill University
- Rent Shifts in American Rental Housing Markets, 2000-2009: Directional Heterogeneity in Distance Decay Patterns
Xiaofei Li, Purdue University; Brigitte Waldorf, Purdue University; Raymond Florax, Purdue University
- Examining factors affecting residential location and mobility tool ownership of the elderly Nicholas P A Shaw, Dalhousie University; Muhammad Ahsanul Habib, Dalhousie University
- Examining the Effects of Attitudes and Lifestyle Choices on Travel Behaviour Mateja Peterlin, Dalhousie University; Muhammad Ahsanul Habib, Dalhousie University
10:00 AM-10:30 AM
131. Coffee Break - Saturday morning Saturday Nov 10 | 10:00 AM-10:30 AM | Provinces Foyer
10:30 AM-12:30 PM
132. Regional Economic Effects of Disasters Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Alberta
Organizer: Yasuhide Okuyama, University of Kitakyushu
Chair: Yasuhide Okuyama, University of Kitakyushu
- The Economic Consequences of Water Utility Disruptions Sara Alva-Lizarraga, University of Missouri-Columbia; Thomas G. Johnson, University of Missouri - Columbia
- A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Earthquakes: Spatial CGE Application to Japan Hiroyuki SHIBUSAWA, Toyohashi University of Technology; Nian LI, Toyohashi University of Technology
- The Vulnerability and Resilience of the Los Angeles Economy to a Disruption of its Water Supplies Adam Rose, USC; Ian Sue Wing, Boston University; Dan Wei, University of Southern California; Misak Avetisyan, University of Southern California
- Conditions of Necessity for Assistance at the Time of Disaster in Emergency Plans Eizo Hideshima, Nagoya Institute of Technology; Yukiho Miyabe, Nagoya Institute of Technology; Kentaro Kawahara, Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Disaster and Economic Structural Change: an Empirical Analysis using Input-Output Tables Yasuhide Okuyama, University of Kitakyushu
Hiroyuki SHIBUSAWA, Toyohashi University of Technology
Adam Rose, USC
Sara Alva-Lizarraga, University of Missouri-Columbia
Yasuhide Okuyama, University of Kitakyushu
Eizo Hideshima, Nagoya Institute of Technology
133. Regional Development VII: Industrial Location Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Alessandra Faggian, The Ohio State University; Elizabeth A Mack, Arizona State University
Chair: Brad R Humphreys, University of Alberta
- What Do Million Dollar Facilities Really Do? Carlianne Patrick, Georgia State University
- Firm-level productivity and the external environment: evidence from Italy Giorgio Fazio, Università degli Studi di Palermo; Enza Maltese,
- Efficiency increase in EU structural funds’ distribution and management for regional convergence Teodora Dogaru, "Ioan Slavici" University
- New Casinos and Local Labor Markets:
Evidence from Canada Brad R. Humphreys, University of Alberta ; Joseph Marchand, University of Alberta
Giorgio Fazio, Università degli Studi di Palermo
Teodora Dogaru, "Ioan Slavici" University
Brad R Humphreys, University of Alberta
Carlianne Patrick, Georgia State University
134. UEA: Amenities and Culture Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Governor General I
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- The Residential Location Choice and Income Distribution in Cities with a Historic City Centre Mark van Duijn, VU University; Jan Rouwendal, VU University
- Gayborhoods: The Economics and Demographics of the Concentration of Gays within Large American Cities Janice Madden, University of Pennsylvania
- Culture Shocks and Consequences: the connection between the arts and urban prosperity Peter Pedroni, Williams College; Stephen Sheppard, Williams College
- Neighborhood Dynamics and Natural Amenities: Evidence from US Cities 1880-2010 Sanghoon Lee, University of British Columbia; Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Janice Madden, University Of Pennslyvania
Stephen Sheppard, Williams College
Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Mark van Duijn, VU University
135. UEA: Public Employment and Income Transfers Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Governor General II
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Antonio Accetturo, Bank of Italy
- The Impact of Public Employment: Evidence from Bonn Sascha Becker, University of Warwick; Stephan Heblich, University of Stirling; Daniel Sturm, London School of Economics
- Regional Policy Evaluation Interactive Fixed Effects and Synthetic Controls Laurent Gobillon, INED; Thierry Magnac, Toulouse School of Economics
- The Impact of Rebuilding Grants and Wage Subsidies on the Resettlement Choices of Hurricane Katrina Victims Jesse Gregory, University of Michigan
- A Tale of an Unwanted Outcome: Transfers and the Local Endowments of Trust and Cooperation Antonio Accetturo, Bank of Italy; Guido de Blasio, Bank of Italy; Lorenzo Ricci, ECARES-ULB
Laurent Gobillon, INED
Jesse Gregory, University of Michigan
Antonio Accetturo, Bank of Italy
Daniel Sturm, London School of Economics
136. UEA: Local Public Goods Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Governor General III
Organizers: Matthew Turner, University of Toronto; Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Maria Ferreyra, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair: Oded Hochman, Department of Economics Ben-Gurion University
- Can Tiebout equilibrium be optimal without head tax or zoning? David Pines, Tel Aviv University
- Partial Fiscal Decentralization and Public-Sector Heterogeneity: Theory and Evidence from Norway Lars-Erik Borge, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Jan K. Brueckner, University of California Irvine; Jorn Rattsø, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Public Good Inputs Housing Quality and Locational Stratification Shin-Kun Peng, Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University; Ping Wang, Washington University in St. Louis; Chia-Ming Yu, National Tsing Hua University
- Welfare Estimation in a General Equilibrium Model with Cities Oded Hochman, Department of Economics Ben-Gurion University
Jorn Rattsø, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Chia-Ming Yu, National Tsing Hua University
Oded Hochman, Department of Economics Ben-Gurion University
David Pines, Tel Aviv University
137. Transit Operations and Mode Choice Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Les Saisons
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Anna Nagurney, Department of Finance and Operations Management
- Modeling Mode Choice Behavior for School Trips: A Case for Dhaka City, Bangladesh Naznin Sultana Daisy, Dalhousie University; Muhammad Ahsanul Habib, Dalhousie University
- Spatial Analysis of of Bike Sharing Travel Demand: Evidence from Washington D.C.’s Capital Bikeshare Nobuhiko Daito, George Mason University; Zhenhua Chen, George Mason University
- Who benefits from the new transit?
-The case of Tsukuba Express Line
Takuro Morioka, Tokyo University of Science
- A Dynamic Network Oligopoly Model with Transportation Costs, Product Differentiation, and Quality Competition
Anna Nagurney, Department of Finance and Operations Management; Dong Li, Department of Finance and Operations Management
Anna Nagurney, Department of Finance and Operations Management
Takuro Morioka, Tokyo University of Science
Naznin Sultana Daisy, Dalhousie University
Nobuhiko Daito, George Mason University
138. Population I: Life Processes Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Manitoba
Chair: Johan M Vonk, Utrecht University
- How Urbanization Process Affects Fertility Decision: Evidence From Time Series Data Yunsi Shang,
- Workforce Age Structure and Regional Innovativeness - Are German Labour Markets Becoming More Polarised? Terry Gregory, ZEW Centre for European Economic Research; Roberto Patuelli, University of Bologna
- The Spanish Civil War and Relative City Sizes Johan M. Vonk, Utrecht University; Marc C. Schramm, University of Utrecht
- To switch or not to switch? A study of the factors that influenced industry switching during and after the Great Recession. M. Jared McEntaffer, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ; Hanna Hartman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Scott Fuess, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Eric Thompson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
M. Jared McEntaffer, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Johan M Vonk, Utrecht University
Yunsi Shang,
Terry Gregory, ZEW Centre for European Economic Research
139. Migration II: International Perspectives Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | New Brunswick
Chair: Rachel Guillain, Université de Bourgogne
- Labor Market Institutions, Search Frictions, and Mobility in Developing Countries WEI XIAO, Stockholm University
- The dynamics of depressive peripheral areas: DEMOSPIN model Eduardo Anselmo Castro, University of Aveiro; Pedro Nogueira Ramos, University of Coimbra; Carlos Jorge Silva, University of Aveiro; Cristina Sousa Gomes, University of Aveiro
- State Merit Aid Programs and Post-College Location Decisions John V. Winters, University of Cincinnati; David L. Sjoquist, Georgia State University
- Canadian cities system: polarisation, inequality and mobility Rachel Guillain, Université de Bourgogne; Aurélie LALANNE, University of Bordeaux
Dylan Simone, McMaster University
Tiago Freire, XJTLU
Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics
Fred Treyz, Regional Economic Models Inc
140. Local Public Finance II: US Perpsectives Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Newfoundland
Chair: Yogi Rahmayanti, Ministry of Finance of Indonesia
- Regional Disparities in Indonesia: Before and After Fiscal Decentralization Astrid Dita, University of Indonesia; Anwar Shah, World Bank
- Allocation of European Structural Funds, Decentraliaztion and Strategic Spatial Interactions: Is there Informational Spillover in the Public Aid for development? Lionel VEDRINE,
- The Political Merger under Alternative Rules Yusuke Teraji, Tezukayama University
- Government Quality and Income Inequality in Indonesia Yogi Rahmayanti, Ministry of Finance of Indonesia
Christopher B Goodman, Rutgers University
Nathan Seegert, University of Michigan
Michael L Lahr, Rutgers University
Justin M Ross, Indiana University
141. Spatial Statistics: Methods II Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Nova Scotia
Chair: James LeSage, Texas State University - San Marcos
- Comparing estimation methods for spatial econometrics Roger Bivand, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) ; Gianfranco Piras, West Virginia University
- Gaussian Process Regression and Bayesian Model Averaging:
An alternative approach to modeling spatial phenomena
Jacob Dearmon, Oklahoma City University; Tony E. Smith, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering University of Pennsylvania
- A bivariate marginal likelihood specification of parametric spatial econometrics models Giuseppe Arbia, university \\
- Interregional input-output systems for project evaluation with spatial discount rates. Examples from the Azores Tomaz Dentinho, University of the Azores; Eduardo A. Haddad, University of São Paulo
Giuseppe Arbia, university \\
Roger Bivand, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Tomaz Dentinho, University of the Azores
Jacob Dearmon, Oklahoma City University
142. Economic Development III: Retailing Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Provinces I
Chair: John M Clapp, U of Connecticut
- An Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Big-Box Stores on Maine’s Retail Sector Emily Freedman, University of Maine ; James C. McConnon, University of Maine; Todd Gabe, University Of Maine; Gary Hunt, University of Maine
- The Effect of Walmart on the Tax Base: Evidence from New Jersey
Don Vandegrift, ; John Loyer,
- Locations of New Anchor Stores: Growth Options, Competition and Agglomeration Economies John M. Clapp, U of Connecticut; Tingyu Rhea Zhou, University of Connecticut
Kiyoyasu Tanaka, Institute of Developing Economies
Hao Huang, University of Utah
Frank van Van Oort, Utrecht University
143. How to Write a Great Research Paper, and Get it Accepted by a Good Journal Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Provinces II
Organizers: Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte; Deirdre Dunne, Elsevier
Chair: Deirdre Dunne, Elsevier
Jean-Claude F Thill, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
144. Innovation Saturday Nov 10 | 10:30 AM-12:30 PM | Quebec
Chair: Gong yi, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Intensity and determinants of ’creative destruction’ by academics Maria Abreu, University of Cambridge ; Vadim Grinevich, University Campus Suffolk
- Survival determinants of home-based new ventures Shaoming Cheng, Florida International University
- Industrial Agglomeration and Knowledge Spillovers: An Analysis Using Patent Citation Data Paulo Guimaraes, Univ South Carolina; Octavio Figueiredo, University of Porto; Douglas Woodward, University of South Carolina
- Chinese Industry Structure evolution driven by innovation Yi Gong, Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Wang Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Gong yi, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Paulo Guimaraes, University of South Carolina
Maria Abreu, University of Cambridge
Shaoming Cheng, Florida International University
12:30 PM-2:30 PM
145. NARSC Luncheon Saturday Nov 10 | 12:30 PM-2:30 PM | Confederation II/III
3:00 PM-5:00 PM
146. Labor II: Employment & Unemployment Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Alberta
Chair: Hanna Hartman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Quantifying Spatial Mismatch Florence Goffette-Nagot, University of Lyon; Modibo Sidibé, CREST
- Green Jobs for Displaced Workers? Hanna Hartman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Scott Fuess, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; M. Jared McEntaffer, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Eric Thompson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Does public sector employment growth reduce conflict? Evidence from Palestine Belal Fallah, Palestine Polytechnic University; Sami Miaari, Tel Aviv University; Massimiliano Cali, Overseas Development Institute
- Wage curve with spatial effects and gender specific unemployment Uwe Blien, Institut fuer Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung; Katja Wolf,; Jan Mutl,
- The Ongoing Regional Employment Impacts of the 2007-2009 Recession John Connaughton, UNC - Charlotte; Ronald A. Madsen, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Uwe Blien, Institut fuer Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
Belal Fallah, Palestine Polytechnic University
Florence Goffette-Nagot, University of Lyon
John Connaughton, UNC - Charlotte
Hanna Hartman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
147. Regional Development VIII: Labor Markets and Industry Structure Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | British Columbia
Organizers: Mark Brown, Statistics Canada; Kevin Stolarick, University of Toronto
Chair: Kevin Stolarick, University of Toronto
- Natural Resources and Regional Development: Does the Dutch Disease Apply to Local Economies? Panel Data Analysis for 135 Canadian Urban Areas. Mario Polese, University Of Quebec; Jean Dubé, University of Quebec - Rimouski; Michael Simard, INRS-University of Quebec
- Are Local Labour Markets sufficiently flexible? Application of a Simple Labour Market Model to Canadian Regions Mario Polese, University Of Quebec; Jean Dubé, University of Quebec - Rimouski
- The new regional geography of inequality in Canada Sebastien Breau, McGill University
- Industrial Mix of Employment in Canada between 1971 and 2006 Kevin Stolarick, University of Toronto; Karen king, University of Toronto
Kevin Stolarick, University of Toronto
Sebastien Breau, McGill University
Mario Polese, University Of Quebec
Mark Brown, Statistics Canada
148. Regional/Rural Development VI: Wealth Creation Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Governor General I
Organizers: Shanna Ratner, Yellow Wood Associates; Stephan Weiler
Chair: Adam Blair, EDR Group
- Wealth Concepts Shanna Ratner, Yellow Wood Associates; John Pender, USDA Economic Research Service
- Measuring Comprehensive Rural Regional Wealth Thomas G. Johnson, University of Missouri - Columbia
- Case Studies of Wealth Creation and Rural-Urban Linkages Brian Dabson, University of Missouri ; Jennifer Jensen, Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI); Alan Okagaki, Rural Futures Lab; Adam Blair, EDR Group; Megan Carroll, University of Missouri
- Wind Energy and Rural Development: A Case Study of West Texas Adam Blair, EDR Group
Thomas G Johnson, University of Missouri - Columbia
Jennifer Jensen
Shanna Ratner, Yellow Wood Associates
Adam Blair, Economic Development Research Group
149. Tourism Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Governor General II
Chair: Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
- Tourism Led Growth: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Tests Maurizio Mussoni, University of Bologna; Theodore Panagiotidis, University of Macedonia; Thomas Panagiotou, University of Macedonia
- Patterns and Organization of Japanese Tourism in Canada: A Production Chain Approach David W. Edgington, University of British Columbia
- Leisure Geography in Beijing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties Chengzhong WU, university of international business and economics
- How tradable are non-tradables? Measuring interregional flows of Accommodation, Restaurants and Travel Agencies in Spain Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Tamara De la Mata, IESE Business School
Carlos Llano Verduras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Chengzhong WU, university of international business and economics
Maurizio Mussoni, University of Bologna
David W. Edgington, University of British Columbia
150. Traffic and Traveller Behaviors Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Governor General III
Organizers: Kara Kockelman, The University of Texas, Austin; David Boyce, Northwestern University
Chair: Shohel Reza Amin, Concordia University
- Optimizing school start times to minimize exposure to traffic: a space-time approach Niko Yiannakoulias, McMaster University; Darren M. Scott, McMaster University; Widmer Bland, McMaster University
- Road Safety Benefits of the 2020 Okanagan Valley Commuter Rail Ahsan Alam, McGill University; Gordon lovegrove, University of British Columbia; Feng Wei, University of British Columbia
- Calibration of identical behavior of different vehicles for gap acceptance at a signalized intersection before and after bicycle lane construction Shohel Reza Amin, Concordia University; Ciprian Alecsandru, Concordia University; Luis E Amador-Jiménez, Concordia University
Shohel Reza Amin, Concordia University
Niko Yiannakoulias, McMaster University
Ahsan Alam, McGill University
151. Poverty Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Les Saisons
Chair: Fernando Cardoso Cotelo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Favela and Periphery as Spaces of Poverty: a study on urban configuration of Brazilian metropolitan areas Fernando Cardoso Cotelo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Juciano M. Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Dynamics, Space, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China: A Case Study of Guangdong Province Felix Haifeng Liao, university of utah; Yehua Dennis Wei, University of Utah
- Economy-wide Impacts of the 2009 Fiscal Stimulus Package in Indonesia Budy P. Resosudarmo, Australian National University; Rahman Abdurohman, Indonesian Ministry of Finance
Budy P Resosudarmo, Australian National University
Fernando Cardoso Cotelo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Felix Haifeng Liao, university of utah
152. Population II: Selected Issues Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Manitoba
Chair: Patricio Aroca, Universidad Catolica del Norte
- Asymmetric Border Effects of EU Integration on Population Growth of Municipalities of Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands Abdella M. Oumer, University of Groningen; Steven Brakman, University of Groningen; Harry J. Garetsen, University of Groningen
- Urban Primacy and History: Muslim Cities in Spain before and after the Reconquista: 800-1800 David Cuberes, University of Sheffield; Rafael Gonzalez-Val, Universitat de Barcelona & Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB)
- Size Distributions for All Cities: Which One is Best? Rafael Gonzalez-Val, Universitat de Barcelona & Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB); Arturo Ramos, University of Zaragoza; Fernando Sanz, University of Zaragoza
- Urban Agglomeration and Economic Growth in Latin America Patricio Aroca, Universidad Catolica del Norte; Miguel Atienza, Universidad Catolica del Norte
Rafael Gonzalez-Val, Universitat de Barcelona & Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB)
Abdella M. Oumer, University of Groningen
Patricio Aroca, Universidad Catolica del Norte
David Cuberes, University of Sheffield
153. Migration III: Impacts & Outcomes Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | New Brunswick
Chair: Fred Treyz, Regional Economic Models Inc
- Housing Trajectory of Newcomers to Canada:
Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada, 2001-2005
Dylan Simone, McMaster University; Bruce Newbold, McMaster University
- Migration and the Decline of Social Capital in the U.S.: How Migration Lead to a Reduction in Volunteering between 2004-2010. Tiago Freire, XJTLU; Xiaoye Li, National University of Singapore
- Moving People with Ideas. Does inventors’ mobility foster firms’ innovative performance?
Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics; Luisa Gagliardi, London School of Economics
- Modeling Commuting Patterns and Residential Location Fred Treyz, Regional Economic Models Inc ; Paulo Guimaraes, University of South Carolina; Huaqun Li, Regional Economic Models, Inc
Anne M Karner, University of Georgia
sierdjan koster, University of Groningen
Kiyoshi Yonemoto, Takasaki City University of Economics
Nicholas Coleman, Brown University
154. Local Public Finance III: International Perspectives II Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Newfoundland
Chair: Hubert Jayet, medee-equippe
- Bailouts in a globalized economy Nelly Exbrayat, GATE Lyon St-Etienne; Thierry Madiès, University of Fribourg; Stéphane Riou, GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne
- Corporate Profit Tax, Formula Apportionment, and Multinational Corporations Santiago Pinto, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond; Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
- The Spatial Perspective of Procurements: A Case Study of Public-Private Partnerships Zhenhua Chen, George Mason University; Nobuhiko Daito, George Mason University; Jonathan L. Gifford, George Mason University
- Fiscal competition has no effect when strategies are perfectly flexible Hubert Jayet, medee-equippe; Stefano Bosi, University of Evry
Astrid Dita, University of Indonesia
Yusuke Teraji, Tezukayama University
Yogi Rahmayanti, Ministry of Finance of Indonesia
155. Population III: Aging Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Nova Scotia
Chair: Rachel S. Franklin, Brown University
- Regional dimensions of the ageing problem: The regional economic impacts of extending older worker in labor market. Junghye Moon, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
- On the Nature of Shrinking Places: Developing Model Spatial Schedules of Population Decline Rachel S. Franklin, Brown University
- Analyzing the relationships between elderly people distribution and location of urban facilities in Seoul Sohee Lee, University of Tokyo
Sohee Lee, University of Tokyo
Junghye Moon, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Rachel S. Franklin, Brown University
156. Economic Development IV: Agglomeration Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Provinces I
Chair: Frank van Van Oort, Utrecht University
- Spatial Spillovers from FDI Agglomeration: Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta in China
Kiyoyasu Tanaka, Institute of Developing Economies; Yoshihiro Hashiguchi, Institute of Developing Economies
- Intra-urban Foreign Direct Investment Location and Institutions in Inland China: Estimation of A Logit Model in Wuhan Hao Huang, University of Utah; Yehua Dennis Wei, University of Utah
- Agglomeration, Inequality and Economic Growth David Castells-Quintana, universidad de barcelona; Vicente Royuela, University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Related variety, unrelated variety and economic specialization in a cross-section of European regions: transcending the agglomeration debate Frank van Van Oort, Utrecht University
- Positive and Negative Externalities in Innovation, Trade, and Regional Economic Growth Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute Of Technology; Peter Nijkamp, VU University
Nelly E. Linares, UNAM
Andrew James Crawley, Cardiff University
Lihua Zhang, Institute of Policy and Management,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Amit Batabyal, Rochester Institute Of Technology
Gregory L. Hamilton, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
157. Input-Output II: Environmental Issues Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Provinces II
Chair: Rebekka Dudensing, Texas AgriLife Research
- EPSIM - A Social-Environmental Regional Sequential Interindustry Economic Model for Energy Planning: Evaluating the Impacts of New Power Plants in Brazil Andre Fernandes Tomon Avelino, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Geoffrey Hewings, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign; Joaquim J.M. Guilhoto, University of Sao Paulo
- The Impact of CO2 Emissions Reduction on the Urban Economy with CGE Modeling: a Case Study of Makassar City, Indonesia Any Wahyuni, Toyohashi University of Technology; Yuzuru MIYATA, Toyohashi University of Technology
- A Sustainability Index for Comparing Electricity Generated from Coal, Natural Gas, Solar, Wind and Biomass Neus Raines, University of Missouri Columbia; Thomas G. Johnson, University of Missouri - Columbia
- The Economic Impact of the Decline of the U.S. Shrimping Industry on Louisiana and Texas Communities Rebekka Dudensing, Texas AgriLife Research
- Crossing State Lines: Spillover Effects of Natural Gas Drilling in the Marcellus Shale with a Spatial CGE Model Javier Perez-Burgos, Cornell University; Kieran Donaghy, Cornell University
Erik Dietzenbacher, University of Groningen
Mark Thissen, Netherlands Environmental Assesment Agency
Javier Perez-Burgos, Cornell University
Xuemei Jiang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
158. Real Estate: Housing, Transport and Land Use Implications Saturday Nov 10 | 3:00 PM-5:00 PM | Quebec
Chair: Amnon Frenkel, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
- Location and Transportation Effects on Non-residential Real Estate: Price Regressions in Windsor, Ontario Kevin Gingerich, University of Windsor; Hanna Maoh, University of Windsor; William Anderson, University of Windsor
- Quasi-experimental evidence on the effect of traffic externalities on housing prices Ioulia V. Ossokina, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis; Gerard Verweij, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
- A land and financial management model of urban renewal projects Alex S. Araque, Universidad Sergio Arboleda
- The joint choice of tenure, dwelling type and size: The effect of home-oriented versus culture-oriented lifestyle Amnon Frenkel, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; Edward Bendit, Technion; Sigal Kaplan, bTechnical University of Denmark
Amnon Frenkel, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Alex S Araque, Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Kevin Gingerich, University of Windsor
Ioulia V. Ossokina, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis